

Saturday, January 8, 2011

i need to study

wenta teach tui early in the morn.
i left my house at like 8.47am but i still managed to reach my student's house on the dot. like 8.58am? hehe:D
she rmb-ed what i taught her! so today went pretty well:D
after that chiong-ed to the next student's house.
i was super nervous.
kept stumbling at first cos i haven touched amath for a long time and i think his mum has high expectations:/
but as the tuition went on, it became better.
he's a smart boy:D
i gonna shop for some assessment books for him too.
i love shopping for assessment books bt there arent any for uni):
(just talked to bro when i reached home just now. i actually forgot that he's sec 3 now too and he is studying the exact same thing as my student. he's complaining bout amath=X)

wenta nex to do sth bout my spects.
it's seriously damn loose.
no matter how they adjust, i think it's still super loose-.-
after that wenta mug at starbucks.
tried to read as much as possible but hmms... still not in the mood.

 ziting<3 came to find me with zhengxian.
they look so cute tgt:D
glad to have somebody to talk to today.
haven hang out with her for quite sometime.
actually we just met last week but still...
how i wish we stay nearer and we can meet like everyday?=X
told her some stuff.
she wenta ask zhengxian too.
my god.
so funny.

mugg-ed till like 5.30pm then i wenta walk ard and home sweet home.
hopefully i can study a lil more.
i need motivation to study!

sometimes when im not too happy bout some stuff, i ignore some ppl even though it's not their fault, some it IS their fault.
i always think things will be fine if i dont bother bout them but they dont.

maybe u dont think there's anything wrong but im glad u txt me.
i feel bad not talking/mugging with u anymore then. ok. we can mug tgt agn:D
for the IT IS YOUR FAULT one. i dont knw if i should talk to you but thanks for all your concern. im not angry. really. i just dont knw why i cant talk to you.

 enough of this. i needa MUGMUGMUG.

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