

Monday, January 17, 2011

read 2 chps of twc, jogged, read 4 more chps of twc.
read ltb slides and i got freaking bored:/
wanna revise MA.
ok. you all cant see my face today=X

kept complaining on twitter till ziting<3 asked me to join her at ion. hehes.
wenta get green tea yoghurt with mixed mochi toppings from sour sally before meeting her.
this is the first time im trying sour sally.
hmms. this is a lil too sweet?
i prefers yigloo's green tea yoghurt(:

today's aim was to help ziting find a pair of heels to match her dress but end up, she didnt find anyth she likes and i bought a pair of flats=X
erm. im like really broke now.
so come on friends, remind me not to spend next month.
like no shopping k?:D
at least this month still can claim from mum with cny as excuse. LOL.
saw alvin at ion. he was searching for his fren's present.
love the necklace that ziting bought. the handbag is sooo cute.
&&i love the ring i bought.

wenta wisma and look at the maxi dress i want.
seriously too ex huh.
cant get any discount so i guess i'll forget it for now:/

wenta spinelli cafe to mug with ziting.
she left early to meet her dad.
mugged till like 10 before going home.
ok. finally done with revising last week's and start to read for thurs lesson so it's still not bad.

something random.
i often edit my posts, like delete some stuff i wrote.
decide to not put (*contents deleted*) agn.
they are nth much actually but i dont wish to be reminded of those angry/irritating stuff.

short post short post.
1 more chp of MA before i slp?

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