I just finished my Blaw Midterms.
Decided not to go home straight away and here I am blogging.
Oh, I am wearing teeshirt and jeans with Birks.
I never like people wearing jeans with slippers. What am I thinking like seriously?
I need to sleep.
Looking forward to nice good sleep later when I reached home. Hmms.
Hmms. Huihui is still angry with me. I supposed? I don't know what to do.
I really don't like to make my friends angry. I try not to make any mistake or do anything that will infuriate them. But what have I done? I guess I really made Huihui very angry this time. I haven't had this kind of feelings for a long time. It's like you desperately seeking for forgiveness but to no avail? I don't know. I just kept having this weird feelings of being back in primary school when a friend just told me that she don't wanna friend me anymore? Okay. I sound childish but it just feels so weird. I don't know how to make up for it. I missed the class gathering without informing them in advance. That's the main issue. I know it's irresponsible of me to do that. I really need to be more organised. I didn't really update my organiser much. Hmms. Okay. I shall do that after finishing up this post.
After I read her post, I decided not to bother her again by my irritating sorry sms-es so i didn't text her yesterday.
I don't know how to react when I saw her this morning outside the seminar room.
Hmms. We still talk a little. I wonder if she's still mad actually. I didn't dare to speak much:/
Oh, I am sitting near where my locker is. I gonna figure out how to open it again.
Mugged blaw at home in the morning before meeting Gen for gym and revision.
I thought I won't be running much cos I kept feeling breathless these few days while jogging on my own.
I wonder if it's due to my random cough and headache or have I gained weight again?
Hmms. Maybe I should measure my weight later. I bet it won't be nice.
But uhh.. Yesterday we still ran more than 45minutes. Haha.
Gen! We should continue to movivate each other to work out:D:D
Mugged in the library.
Had a little surprise from Alvin. Teehee.
He was supposed to pass me the shirt I got him so that I can exchanged it for a bigger size.
I bought the wrong size.
I don't know how but he managed to enter the library. Haha.
Oh! && he got me muesli bar and Vitamin water.
Just right when I feel hungry. Hehe.
Thanks a lot:D:D
Had a quick dinner with Gen at Soupspoon and rushed to Paragon to change the shirt.
It's the same promoter again!
I doubt he remembers me but I just spoke to him as though he did. LOL.
He must have thought that I am crazy/weird.
Rushed home and force my eyes open to continue to read my blaw.
Set my alarm clock to 5am cos I slept at 1+am when I still had tons to read.
I managed to wake everyone up but myself. My mum asked if it's my alarm clock, i sit up and slap myself in the face but don't know why I still went back to slp.
Woke up at 6 instead. Gahhhh.
Mad rush. But this kinda circumstances can really force me to focus. Haha.
Had MA, ceetee then mugged in the lib during the long break and tada... just had my blaw quiz.
Shall update the photos next time. I don't have them yet(:
STUDY HARD PEOPLE even though it's the start of recess week.
All the project meetings are gonna drown me soon):
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