

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bon voyage Gen!

Met Gen dear for lunch!
She's leaving for NYC sooooon. Guess today will be the last time I'll see her before she left for her trip.
Can't wait for 3 months later. I promise to not be lazy and I'll jog. Now I am super out of shape. Hmmhmms.

We went to this cafe with swings at 313.

I was very very late so I just follow Gen wherever she wants to go && I don't even remember the name of the cafe. It's opposite Ya Kun and it sells flowers.
It's not particularly nice and the service is kind of lousy.
Oh well... We weren't that hungry so we shared the food.
But the place is so pretty. It's as though we went there to attend some wedding. Haha.
Can't wait for the royal wedding tomorrow!:D

Tried Marvelous cream after that.
Why am I eating so much ice cream?!
I am really growing fat like nobody's business:'(
We wanted to try that from the end of exams last semester but we always don't have the chance to.
Gen is flying off already. So it is a MUST TRY now!
She's so cute luhs.
She was trying to remember the name of the shops there cos she wants to see if they'll still be there when she comes back to Singapore 3 months later. Awwww... I'll really really miss her:/

Didn't get to meet Angelina in the end so I went to Clarke Quay alone.
The weather was too hot for me to sit outside and really think. Waited for quite a while before leaving for Vivo.
Wasn't feeling good this morning and I really need some quiet moments to ponder over some stuff.
Straightened out some thoughts and the sight of the boy makes me a happy girl again:D

They are seriously very cute. Hehs. They were trying to compete to see who can have the sago thingy in their mouth for the longest time.


Oh oh oh wait! Many congrats to Ivy on the birth of her baby girl!:D:D
Technology is a lil scary sometimes. She uploaded the photos of her newborn already! Hehs. Really feel very happy for her!:D:D

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