

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 11 Without Love

Visited the RSAF Openhouse with Angelina after tuition!
We had lunch at Hougang Mall before making our way there. Hougang mall looks real different from the last time I went there which was so lonnnnng ago.

The weather was too hot so Angelina and I gave up after an hour. No one was showing us around nor telling us more about the plane.

We bused and trained to Bugis, hoping to catch Kungfu Panda but all the tickets were sold out so yupsss...
We end up chilling at Swirlart and some dessert place along that stretch of road.
When Wilfred came to find Angelina, he's like "we have to wear pink to rsaf openhouse?"
HAHAHA. Didn't know Angelina is wearing pink too.

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