

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shunfu Market!

Went to Shunfu Market with Grandma and Aunt cos we don't know that 410 changed route. We planned to go Longhouse at first.
Ah well...
We have never been there before but apparently there's a lot of nice food there.
It seems to be a hawker centre famous for pastries.
Bread, curry puffs, muffins, brownies,...
All featured on Sunday Times, You magazine, Makansutra, “好吃”,...
I tried the curry puff and the bread. So nice!
(Ugly photo cos I meant to snap it secretly:X)
The curry puffs are definitely better than Tip top's and of course Old Chang Kee's.
I prefer 1A's cos it's not as oily as others'. But this one is awesome!

As for the bread, they bake it on the spot! There's only a few varieties to choose from as they are sold out very fast. Think you have to order before hand if you want to buy more.
Didn't get to try the muffins as I was too full.
In general I find the stall vendors there very helpful and friendly:D
I wanna go back to get some muffins next time:D:D
Still wanna bake some stuff and make my sushi. Just didn't manage to find the right time.

This morning, I asked my Grandma if she's going out to eat today cos it's my aunt's off day then she thought I want her to buy breakfast for me. She told me that she's not going out but if I want something, she'll walk out to buy for me. I was referring to lunch! She thought I wanted breakfast.
Always so alert when I mentioned food. Haha.
While we were eating, she kept wanting my aunt to get me this and that and whatever. She forgot that I am old enough to do all the things myself.
Even when I said that I want to go amk to get something, she thought I'll be lost and want my aunt to accompany me cos I said I am not familiar on how to get to amk from thomson. Haha. Feel so loved<3 ~
Should spent more time with them to be treated like a lil girl again:D:D

Nothing much today.
Managed to finish what I want to do today except for my nails and deciding when to do something to my hair.
Love to see my bro revising his work too. Should I post a photo of him as well?? Haha.:D:D

I want to talk. Talk. Talk. Talk. Mumble. Mumble. Mumble.

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