

Friday, July 29, 2011

Back to reality

Hello all. I am going to do a final post before flying to Chengdu. I decided against wearing that Panda tshirt in the end. My face is hideous enough.

I packed lots and lots of food for the trip. Love accompanied me to shop for groceries yesterday. We had lunch and went to develop our photos before going to NTUC to stock up for cereals, muesli bars, biscuits,... China is gonna be real bad isn't it? I must rmb to pack some food in my carry-on.

Looking at love sorting out our photos is kinda :D:D:D From our first few dates till now. All the photos we took and all the memories we had. It's unbelievable how we get so far. I am so glad to be able to spend more time with love before Panda OCSP(: && suddenly, I can just tell my family that I am meeting my boyfriend when I go out. Instead of friend.

Hmms. The reality kicks in the minute we touched down in Singapore. School, friends,... Constantly distracted by technology. After the panda trip, love would have started school and mine will start in a few days. I was kind of excited for school and can't wait to pull my GPA up at the start of the summer. But I am a greedy girl. If love gives me slightly more of his time, I'll want more. Hmms. I guess I just have to take a deep breath and carry on with life. We have our own commitments. The getaway is a luxury. Of his time. Of our time that is. It makes our love stronger and that's good enough.

Brother often gives me a -.- face whenever he sees me blog. He thinks blogging is an outdated hobby. But I never get sick of it. I love to read my friends' blog. Especially those who shares a lot of their thoughts about certain issues. I don't mind wordy blogs. I just love to read people's thoughts and hence I will constantly feel the urge to blog and share my thoughts too. Just like how I love to read Princess diaries and whatever diaries since primary school. I blog to remind myself about certain things too. I guess I'll never stop blogging. Maybe I'll blog at a lower frequency when school starts that is.

School. Got most of the textbooks ready except for MS. School haven't get back to me about my scholarship and my aunt who offered to sponsor my education suddenly ask me about it again. I felt nothing at first but now I am starting to feel worried. I didn't meet up many uni friends during the entire summers too. I wonder how is next semester going to be like.

Okay. Bye people for now. I am going to squishy hug my pandas soon~ Hope to meet up with BFFs 12 days later.

Here is my weibo:
Will try to weibo whenever I have the chance to:D

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