

Monday, July 4, 2011

I need a break

Have been going out non stop ever since I am back from Thai trip. Never really get to have a proper rest. Hmms.

Attended church with love yesterday:D It's another whole new experience. Haha. Maybe going to his this coming Sunday.

I haven't been writing a proper post since a long long time ago. I am not very sure of what to blog about since my life is so boring now. Oh ya. I went to our company's reading club yesterday too! They were doing on 7 habits of highly effective people. I must say that I did benefit from the session. I really need to start next semester right. I need to pull up my GPA. No time to lose!

Joined the reading club peeps for dinner and Francis, Javier, Angeline, Sharon and Huixin for Partyworld. I last sing k when I was J1. Haha. That was how long ago? I didn't dare to sing alone at first and kept making Sharon sing Jay Chou's songs with me. Haven't been listening to mandarin songs much after sec school. Maybe just Jay's and Alan Luo's(my bro's fav). Ahhh. After yesterday, I really wanna sing again(though my singing sucks ttm). Francis and Huixin sang really well. Haha. A really fun night with them. Javier sent me home but we had a hard time getting to his car. Oh well, that was after climbing some eerie stairs and climbing over some wall at such an unearthly hour... Haha. It's fun actually:X I totally collapsed on my bed straight after I bathed when I got home.

Another day of work... Another day of work...

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