

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tries. Tried.

Hellos people. Updating you with my boring life. No more TGIF. I don't feel excited that Friday is here. I miss going out on Fridays. In fact, I miss going out on Fridays very much.

Met up with Gen yesterday:D I was so so so afraid to run again. Haven't ran in like 2 months? So glad to have Gen as my exercisemate. Haha. It was not too bad. I could have jogged longer if not for the appointment with the career counsellor. 35mins++. Can't wait for next Thurs with Gen again:)

I was kinda lost when I reached OCS. I booked the appointment with my career counsellor mainly because I wanted to collect my nametag that was required for business networking and stuff. But I did consulted him on business networking and internship. It's pretty helpful I'll say. To get ready at least(:

Met my BONDUEMATES last night:) End up only 6 of us turned up but I'll say that it's not too bad. AK, Sihui, Joshua, Calvin and Magenta. I haven't seen all of them for so so so long. It's a pity that Dawn was down with food poisoning and Zac has lesson on Thurs night. It's really great to catch up with them. Hearing all the juiciest updates about their lives. Hehs. It did cheer me up very much. I need more people to talk to.

Don't like the way today started but today's FT lesson is totally useful and finance lesson is very clear. I learnt a lot today:) Went for SAAT talk after lessons and SMIF interview at night. I stumbled. Guess I won't make it through but it's still worth a try:)

My BB is always in silent mode, no vibration no nothing. So I'll always check for sms-es. Guess everyone is busy. But it feels too weird that my BB is really quiet quiet.

Didn't realise that this is supposed to be a sad song until recently

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