

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The stopwatch

Dreaming about each other

Oh no. I am hungry now. Didn't eat much today and had a super light dinner after a jog just now. On the verge of gastric pain but I'll endure till tmr morning. Will probably wake up early to read MS and try the required question.

Recess week is really over. Love still have the nerve to ask me on Sat night, "Huh? This is still your recess week? I thought it was over long time ago?" Oh yeah. Self-declared over since last Wed. Revised REA, corp and did our(HH&I) part for corp project during the entire week. It was not wasted after all.

So in the end... I did get to spend some time with love despite his busy schedule. Met him on Thurs, Sat and Sun. *Beams&hops around*We went to the Circle line carnival(which is totally nothing) on Sat night, eat and eat and eat and walk and walk and walk and take circle line randomly and met Olivia&yiyang and eat and walk again. That's pretty much our date last Sat. Guess that's what we could afford when it's already week 8 for me(currently week 9). I have yet to take circle line to find him at jp though. Will try it soon. Sis is complaining that it's not any faster for her too. Sun morning church at NCC but we were kinda in a rush so didn't met Angelina and Wilfred after that even though we were at the same venue.

Hmms. My heart and mind seems to function as a stopwatch lately, reminding me how lil time I have with love before he goes on an exchange. I try to ignore those little little signals around me but I can't turn a blind eye to them entirely. I can see that love is making a lot of effort to spend time with me recently. I am actually glad that the modules I am taking this semester is not so heavy so that I can still make time for him too. What will my life be for the 4-6 months? This few months will be gone in a flash and we'll probably know it soon.

P.S.: Pictures will be up soon. After Corp Quiz 2 on Wed

I love you forever
Forever and always
Please just remember even if I'm not there
I'll always love you forever and always

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