Hello people! I am back! I think I better blog so that love can stop reading my past blog posts and Huihui can stop complaining she has no blogs to read anymore. Haha.
I met up with BFFs last Friday in the midst of recess week to visit the Mint Museum! I have always wanted to go visit it but I think the admission fee is too steep so when I saw the Groupon deal , I was totally elated and text the BFFs on our group chat.
Tada. We finally get to visit the Mint Museum. Honestly, it was kind of disappointing as all the toys are not properly arranged and there's no synopsis or something to tell us more about the toys): Angelina got bored after a while and began to take photos of us using her iPhone. It's disappointing but not too bad. I still enjoyed looking at the old toys. I love the classic Mickey and Popeye(:
I forgot to bring my camera. Just gonna make do with my BB's cammie.
I wonder why they have racist toys
I felt so excited seeing the Darkie toothpaste! That's the old Darlie. Darlie used to be called Darkie till they were condemned to be racist...
It was a rather short break from all the stressful revision but I was glad to have suggested that and gather with all 3 of them(:
Oh. Remember the awesome Yusheng I blogged about? I finally got the photos from Auntie Mollie. Just look at how awesome this is. I am drooling already!
Hmm. Updates about myself recently? I am so stressed up recently. All tied up with mid term papers and projects that I can barely breathe. I only get to talk to love once a week but this week, I was totally quiet and he did all the talking. I did nothing recently except to mug so I have nothing to share with him. The same goes for Lynette when she whatsapp-ed me. I have no idea to talk about for my uninteresting life. I was so stressed up that I blanked out during tax mid terms yesterday. It's that bad. I am such a wreck recently:( But I am glad to have supportive profs and people around. 1 thing good about SMU is that everyone is so nice, including the professors. There's nothing to worry about when chatting with the profs. Even a random SMU student who is a total stranger to me will extend help to me if I asked for it(sometimes, I don't even have to ask. The seniors will just come forward and help me when I look stress or lost). For this I am really thankful. Hmms. I have to manage my stress and time better so that I won't disappoint all the kind professors around me who are so understanding and gave me encouragement to keep me going<3
Fantastic Baby -Big Bang #nowplaying
The Big Bang's latest album kept me awake during revision these 2 days. I am not a fangirl but I don't know why I am attracted to their latest album.
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