

Monday, March 19, 2012

When can I ever be happy?

Weekend's awesome. Just did projects and tax. It's stress-free and worries-free for once. I thought I could start the week positively but apparently things don't work out as you wish... I wonder when can I ever be happy.

Slowly slotting in birthday lunches and dinners with friends and family. My 21st birthday will be a quiet affair. Simple and nice with the people i love.
So far...
This or next Fri/Sat with Boyfriend's parents
31/03/2012: @Itacho with Huihui(Official one will be postponed to after exams)
03/04/2012: with the BFFS but nothing else is confirmed other than the date
04/04/2012: Preferably dinner with family? Otherwise I'll spent it doing revisions.

I am waiting for FIIM meeting now. I kinda wasted 3 hours out of school before heading back here and attempted some tax questions. Tonight's meeting better be productive!

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