

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Good times with friends :)

Hi all! It's TGIT for me! Thursday is my new Friday;) Loving the timetable this semester. Hehs.

I won the preview tickets for Warm Bodies for Qi and I on Tuesday^^V

Qi had to rush down from work but it's all so worth it! Qi was asking me about this movie a few weeks ago and I agreed to watch with her so when I saw the contest on Facebook, I am like, "I have to win this for us!" Hahahahaha. And I did! This is probably the first time that I won a lucky draw :) Saw quite a few friends there.

The movie is really really good! Nothing like Twilight or TVD. I love it! I really don't mind watching it again! R is so innocent and cute. The perfect zombie boyfriend any girl can ask for. Haven't caught such a good chic flick in a long time. Check out the trailer below:

Sun with Moon with Huihui on Wed!

It's good food day with Huihui once a week! Initially we want to place all our good food days on Tuesday after SMA (since it's the most unbearable lesson of the week) but we had a project meeting this week and went to have this on Wed instead. The ambience of Sun with Moon is so relaxing. Love how Huihui managed to reserved the quieter seats. Sun with Moon is becoming the hot favourite location for ladies to chill with their friends or even alone, saw quite a few ladies eating on their own there the previous time I went. for lunch The bf's mum and godma love this place too.

The menu is different for dinner and lunch. I have only been there for lunch before so I didn't mind that. Apparently you can order ala carte for dinner but not for lunch. The sets are crazily filling. I didn't even finish half the rice. The teriyaki set is really the bomb! I tried the udon the previous time and it was good too. The portion was slightly smaller and just nice for me. Hehe. Good Hawker Food Week for us next week! Yay! I miss all the good CBD hawker food!

Wanted to do a post on my makeup haul but I didn't have the time to use most of it cos I kept waking up late this week:( #morninglessonwoes.

On a side note. Sale will be launched on Shenna Shannon tonight! Awesome sale with prices slashed to as low as $10. Enjoy!

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