

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Everyday with love:D

Nothing much. The main highlight of the day will be foodie outing with Alvin and his friends(:
He dressed up super nicely for presentation. Haha. Handsome uh? Hahahahaha.
He got a shock after looking at my neoprints with gen(he haven't read my blog yet) as he thought I'll make him take neoprints with me. Hmms. Oh well... Maybe I did thought of it a lil:X
Photos from Alvin's camera since he didn't upload on facebook.

 Just think Alvin looks v funny here. Hahahaha.

They are very cute!:D


All of us seems to be "croppable". LOL.
Next time we need to form some link like what Angelina says.



His friends are really nice.
Feels very happy for one of his friend too. Heh heh:D
Love is in the air.
So many couples.

I have been thinking of cooking something for love and soooooo this is my first attempt:D

I have never never fry an egg before in my life. Not even in home economics lesson. I don't know how to crack an egg either. Always end up having egg shells in them but I tried my best to remove them!
I have never fry anything at all. Ohh. Maybe only once for Sec 2 home econs exam. Hahahaha.
I think my bento isn't too bad for the first time. Hmms. Maybe to myself...

We haven't have a decent date for ages && not even one as a couple officially and this will be the first:D
I have never play luge before and so... love suggested sentosa.
I wanna go USS with my Waikiki peeps though. Asoc mates haven't confirm the date yet too!

 Trying to act as tourists.

Origami bunnies:D:D
 Gong cha:D






I guess I had my fill of luge.

When Alvin mentioned about the time we first text each other, it just feels weird.
Okay. Maybe I feel happy thinking about it. I don't know why. But just happy:D:D
It's still unbelievable how we got together and all. My reaction is still a little slow. Need more sleep to think properly. Haha.
I am scared as usual but this time it just seems slightly more promising?
Good things seldom happen to me I guess. My brain still need time to process it.
Hmms. But I am happy now:D
Just need to be sure sometimes. && I guess this feels right.

Song of the sea:D:D



Had a lovely day with love:D:D
An entire day without booooooks.
Okay. He has to study hard now:D

Had tuition in the morning.
My student is super nice to me today.
Guess the scoldings she got from her parents for being extremely rude to me(as usual) last week did work a lil this week.
Things are easier with her parents at home I guess.

Went for vaccination with my panda people at some ulu place.
Now my arms are very very numb.
I feel very tired.
&& I only realised that the red spots on my face is not pimple but allergy reaction today.
How slow can I get?
Very itch.
Very ugly.
I am very fat.
My arms hurt.
Just want to be immersed in some emo Jaychou songs tonight again.
Don't know what to do with my panda proposal. I don't know what I am writing.
Okay. Very gahhh.. Ughhhh. Bye.

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