

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just heard from love that the stretch of railway which we shot at was already demolished. The sound of this just feels weird. I am so glad that we managed to take photos there before it's gone. On the other hand, it reminds me how precious the time we managed to spend together is(: It may be gone before we know it. So I always cherish every single moment we get to spend together.

I feel really blissful recently. Especially after I let everything out and begin to share everything with love. Drastic increase in the amount of time we get to see each other:D Life's great. But I still speak without thinking most of the time(Just like a few hours ago). I don't mean it that way. Ah. Sometimes I just let my guards too low and really blabber non stop. Seriously, just shoot me please-.-

I have never ever visualised how my future is going to be like. Maybe initially, it's just going to be fighting for a successful career, moving out and living on my own, chilling with my girlfriends during off-days,... Looking at all my colleagues got me thinking sometimes... Am I going to lead such a monotonous and boring life? Wake up, rush to work, knock off but way too tired, reach home, sleep??? Ah. I don't want that kind of life>:( But think again(something which I never ever dare to think about), I may have somebody with me in future. Hehs. So now, thinking from another perspective, it's actually worth looking forward to. It's scary how I can actually start daydreaming about it but it's a happy thought:D:D Er... In general:

I want a successful career.
I want a happy family.
I want a child.
I want to take beautiful photos of my child and do a record of his/her life since day 1.
I want to give my baby the stuff that I never get to enjoy and just give him/her my everything.
I want I want... 

But before that,... I must study triply hard in the coming semesters, I must work on my photography skills( I doubt I have any, just interested in it now),... So many things to do and got to achieve now! Gah. Why am I daydreaming here? Guess interacting with tiny kids and mummies too much just get all these into my head.

Bidding window 2 results is gonna be out at 2PM tmr! Good luck people and hope Huihui and I got our bids this time round!:D:D

Just when I learnt to be cautious in love, you came along and assured me that it's okay to let my guard down with you around.

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