

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 3 Without Love

I am going to do two posts today:D
I actually slept at 1.30am cos I was looking at some people's photos on facebook. Like all of them. Haha. I seriously don't know what I was doing last night. *Yawns*

Work today is so much more interesting with the after school care.
I brought my IC down to show my little student that my birthday is indeed the same as hers. Hehs. Can I post it here? I'll blur our IC number first. Hehs.

But I really really love helping out at the after school care. I hope there'll be more students next month so I won't have to stare into space sometimes.
Today we did arts and crafts with the recycled materials.
She said my robot looks like french fries. HAHAHA.
While waiting for her to finish hers, I found some straws so I begin folding straw hearts and stars.
She insisted that I teach her. But how?? Straw hearts are easy but not straw stars.
I am surprised that I didn't feel like giving up on her at all. Haha. Her parents came and we were still at it so they went to shop around before coming up again.
I think I am really learning something while I am with her. I have to learn to be patient, learn to be more like a teacher. I must know when to be serious and when to have fun with her. She's too comfortable with me. It's hard to get her to do work now. I never fail to let my students 'crawl over my head'-.- I don't know when I should be fierce. Hmms.
I really enjoy my time with her:D

She didn't manage to learn how to fold the stars but we'll continue on Monday.
That is if she finished her work first.
Before she left, I gave her all the stars I made but she wants me to have one of them.
"Nooo. How can you give me all of them? You should keep one of them too."
Haha. Awww... She's really sweet.

After work, met JY for a while to get stuff from her before rushing to City Hall to meet Clive.
He wanted to give me a treat cos I helped him translate his letter. Haha.
Should have many more letters to translate when he's interning in China. Ah well. It's okay. He helped me a lot for Blaw too:)
I will be taking over his students for awhile too while he is at Chicago && China.
Overwhelmed by the number of students. Guess it'll be more than 2? OMG.
Hopefully they don't contact me on the same day. I am scared.
I reallyreally love econs && I studied real hard for them. I think I can still tutor H2 Bio too. Hahas. Still pretty familiar with them.
Ah well. Shall start with econs first( P.S. I think all his students must be phy students.)

I was looking at Leica cameras. They are such a beauty! I was eyeing M8 till I look at their jaw-dropping price. I think I can get 2 Macbooks with the same price. Ah:(
I think I'll save up for a semipro SLR instead. Compact and more convenient to bring them out. Need to work more! Tuition or temp jobs during weekends? I can't be lazy anymore!

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