

Thursday, May 5, 2011

For real?!

I love to start the day with love's voice(:

My results are getting more and more hopeless.
Emailed prof. Not much of a choice but I straightened out my thoughts.
Guess I'll be fine. Think happy thoughts(:

Rushed back to SMU after work. When was the last time I ran around in heels?
Okay. It's superbly not funny cos it's so painful! Need more training during these 3 months. Hehs.
Dabao-ed subway and they still remember me. Feel kinda glad to have some random people to speak to me.

Panda meeting was okay today. I learnt how to keep my mouth shut now.
Does he have to do that when Fangzhou(Joyce) is not here?
OMG. It's the ultimate goosebumps-drop-all-over-the-floor grossness!
He didn't even want to stop it after Eugene and Huihui tease him about not having Joyce around and that she's attached.
I look like a princess? -.-
Even Alvin doesn't call me that. Only he can do that and how can Huihui and Eugene look at each other and laugh? They should include me too! I was with them with the Fangzhou joke cans???

It's been too quiet lately.
I wish I could tell you everything. Just call you and blabber non stop but it's your exam period.
You have to seize every moment to complete your revision and I shouldn't disturb you. It just feels a little weird sometimes.
So many incomplete conversations lately.
You ask me something, then I tried to answer your previous question or I ask another question instead. 
Just like just now, you asked me something again but I ended up answering your previous question and didn't answer your question in the end. Okay. I shall start recording down our incomplete conversation and the questions I asked but with no answer from your and vice versa. I'll wait till your exams are over and I am just gonna ask you one by one!
Sometimes I am really scared that I'll disturb you so I don't dare to talk much. It's not that I don't want to talk to you and blog about mhy thoughts later. TSK! 
Whateverwhatever, your exams gonna start tmr!
Good luck all my  ntu friends:D:D

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