

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Last 2 Days With Love

We went to Timbre@Substation yesterday!:D:D
I didn't know that it's so near my school!
But their service is really lousy. Hmms. The company I had made up for it though(:
I don't understand why so many people love to go Timbre. 
Nice duck pizza though:D
 Xiting haven't take photos for a long time!

 Cute spects!

 He looks so cute in Xiting's spects!:D
Eat, chill, chat.
I really talk a lot. Hmms.
I guess I can be open to all of them.

Went to East Coast Park with love today!

We wanted to cycle and roller blade at first(HE wanted rollerblading. NOT ME. Okay. Maybe I do want a lil though I'll screammmmm like mad.)
But both of us didn't bring socks. Haha. So... We just cycle and I am a road hazard as usual.

ECP is soooooo crowded. Never see so many people at ecp before. Maybe I didn't go there on a public holiday before.

After that we went to have lunch and watch Priest! I get to watch it after all:D:D Hehs.
It's surprisingly good though the vampires look soooooo gross. Eww ttm.

A great day out with love.
I'll be fine for 17days.
Can't wait to see him again on 3rd June.
17 days is such a long time but I'll keep myself occupied. Hope he'll stay safe and have a good trip. Hmms.

Next wed USS with my BFFs!
Hope we can find a common day to meet up for kbox too!

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