

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I went out the entire day with my new toy(:

Began my photo journey at MBS early in the morning.
This is something that I wanted to do for the longest time but I really don't know what to shoot after a while since there's nobody around in the places I went. && I was sunburnt. My arms turned red. Hmms. I will bring my Holga to Thai to shoot all I want. Something bad about the camera having the doubleshot function is that I kept forgetting which eye did I just closed. LOL. I may end up having multiple exposure on those that I want it at its original state. I thought I can finish 1 roll of film today but I didn't. Sat in front of Esplanade's Outdoor theatre nearer to the river and cry a bit till I no longer have the mood to finish up my film. 

When I feel like crying when my friends are around, I will try to laugh to curb it so I'll end up laughing and crying at the same time. Just prefer to let my emotions explode when nobody I know is around. Why did I cry? I am bad at expressing myself verbally I guess. I don't know and probably don't dare and never like to say what I feel in the face of the person. I am learning but constantly struggle to find the right word to bring my point across so that people won't misunderstood me. I tried my best to not sniffle while talking on the phone with you. I tried. I tried everything I could. Actually I hate to feel this way. Hate trying find out what's wrong and feel so miserable over it. It's unhealthy. It's bad. Think happy thoughts:)

Met love for a while after he knocked off. Cherish every lil time we have.

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