

Friday, June 10, 2011

Shoving unhealthy thoughts aside

Wanted to sleep at first but after naggings by mum, I felt very alert now. She is against the idea of me having another camera(Still haven't decide which to get). I was just asking her if there's any news on the IT show. I didn't even ask her to chip in for the camera and I am not going to the IT fair! Guess I should keep my own bankbook. She last updated it before my pay came and you know... Tsk! My student went on a holidays without paying me. I think I should get another job. A part time job which I can do in the evening or weekends. I still want my new camera which I am quite confident that I can get it by next month but in order to prevent naggings, I need another job. Occupy all my free time is good too. Hope to get some response!

I kept thinking that Francis need my help for enrichment on Friday! I was still happily thinking that I am going to wear tshirt and my jeans to work on Friday but it turn out to be today && I am in my working clothes. I only helped out with a short section so it's still okay. Happy to chat a lil with Javier while waiting for the kids to get ready. Ah. Really bored at work. I want to talk to people my age or are schooling like me. Always thankful for the kids at student care but my job will be better with enrichment. More coming up! Happy:D

Met Jasmine after work for Freshness Burger. It's good! I want to go back to try the Tofu burger! Mixed reviews about it online but I seriously think it's good. The potatoes are so niceeeee:D Will definitely go back again!

Had a really good chat with Jasmine after not seeing her for such a long time. I really can't wait for school to start. && maybe people will stop asking what am I doing during this hols, am I going to learn anything( I blogged about this! Stop asking. Let me rest in peace and hope that school is starting soon&& I got to chiong again.),... All my girls didn't think that much either. Happily enjoying their hols slacking. I am not exactly enjoying my holidays but glad that it is moving at a rather slow pace. I don't have a lot of hobbies but I think I recently found some and are very happy with them even though they are not going to be beneficial for my school work or what. I lead a simple life really. I am quite contented with what I have now.

OMG. It's 1.10am now. Needa sleep. Tata~

It has always been. 

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