

Monday, July 18, 2011

Great meet up with polaroids:D:D

Work was okay today. More chitchatting with Qi lao shi and Jennifer. Hehs. I asked my students if they are willing to take photo with me if  brought my camera with me. All of them agreed. Not so sure about the kindergarten kids but hopefully they will cooperate with me. Farewell dinner with the Chinese department colleagues tomorrow. Should I bring my cameras tomorrow or Fri? Since Friday is my last day of work. Hmms. But I must make jelly for the kids first!:D:D Can't stop saying that KW's baby is sooooo super cute. Finally got to see his photo. Single eyelid? So cute!!!:D:D:D:D

A great meet up with Huihui and Jingyan after work today! Pass Huihui her birthday present! I am afraid that she can't squeeze any time for me for the rest of the week. So yeps! I am quite satisfied with what I gave her actually. Hehs. Hope she likes them:D  Took polaroids with them too. Must try to use it more often. I think I should get more films! Hehs. So I can shoot with ease. Woohoo. Non stop. Nice catching up with them too. How I miss these kind of meet ups.

More updates tomorrow! Need to catch some sleep cos I gonna report to work half an hour earlier tomorrow!

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