

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


  1. Went to the doctor's this morning for my eye infection. It's not the contact lens! My family doctor didn't say much. Just got antibiotics, eye drop and some other medicine.
  2. Went back to school to get my laptop fixed(Actually I don't know it it's actually fixed since the speakers are good sometimes and sometimes no?). Oh ya. I met Edmund at the helpdesk. He said hello MEIWEI. Then I just smile and chat a lil with him. The fact is I can't remember his name. I bbm Jasmine to ask for his name. I always can't remember his name. Ahh. We are in the same TWC class for 1 semester and I always identify him as Samuel's friend. SOOOO SORRY Edmund if you ever read this. But he's a nice person. I wonder why I just can't remember his name when he is soooooo super tall. Okay. After today I definitely will.
  3. Went to the complimentary lesson at Canon Digital Lab.
     It was good. I think I'll sign up for the beginner lesson soon though my bank balance is at it's all time low. Will be after I changed the currency that is. Need to learn something new away from my boring school curriculum.
  4. Collected the Finance textbook! Like finally.
  5. Now... I am at Starbucks.

I don't know what's wrong with me but I really dread going to work. I love the kids. I love my colleagues. But I just feel like taking a longggggggg break especially when school is starting soon. I got 4.5CUs now. But the Tues timing sucks. I wonder if I can survive that but I'll will start right. I will. Work has been so dreading since last week? I was bored stiff at work. I lost passion for the curriculum side. There's really no point going to work now. 1 more week! 6 more days of work left. I haven't tell the kids that I am leaving. But they'll forget me soon I guess. That's kids.  && the P3 boy will be rejoicing since I have been rather fierce to him recently(Though qi lao shi is still the strictest. Can't be too lenient to the kids. Especially to him. Mr Peh taught us that.)

I will reallyreally miss the kindergarten kids! I would really love to take photos with them and of them! I'll miss them calling me teacher Meiwei, I'll miss them drawing me(Hmms. Can't really make out what are they drawing but it's still sweet of them), miss Nicklaus drawing Mr Eight, miss the kids having tea break and tell me about the lil animals that appear from their biscuits(they think that the biscuits are animals??), ... I'll miss Oscar lying on my lap, wanting me to cradle him in my arms like a baby and him calling my name and singing it. Haha( I failed to record it down:/). Reanne too! She's so sweet. Rachel, Yinyan, Norman, Nicklaus,... Sooooooo cute. && Of course some of the primary school ones like Keryn and Richard! I will be back to visit them soon. During the first few weeks of school!

I am constantly being reminded of my age recently.
"... You are already 20, a big girl now,..." and what have you. Maybe for the first time, I can really feel like I am 20. I kept thinking that I am 16 when I was 18 and when last year, I felt like I am 18. LOL. Okay. Who wants to grow old? Tell me?

Many told me that this is the right age to start thinking of the future. Like how I should start visualising myself working, with my family, blahblahblah. But there are some things that I wish my mum will continue to do for me and times when I wish my mum could care more about me. That's life I guess. && I bet she's used to not having me around at home and all. I can live by. Not having all those. Just got a lil envy of my bro. Most of the time. But my family doesn't define me. As I have mentioned before. And that shall never change. Since no matter how much I tried to change it and spend more time with them(Previously. Not now.), they are not a least bit responsive. I can be on my own. I think I can only connect with my bro and sis. We are very open with each other now. I love it when they feel that they can rely on me. Don't think that I can't do housework by myself. I don't have to learn how to cook too. I seldom do that but it doesn't mean I can't. I enjoy eating sandwiches too. I won't die. Not all families function in the same way. Different families are happy in their own way.

I have been penning down my thoughts in my notebook. When it comes to blogging, I often have nothing much left to say. Ah. Today is another not feeling-so-good day. Naturally enjoy getting emotional over nothing.

Oh ya. I have been eating way too normally and haven't been standing on the weighing machine. Should I? I think maybe I am 55kg now? I don't dare to weigh myself anymore. I wonder why eating normally makes me fat. Am I supposed to be fat? I don't binge on anything. I seldom snack. Just 3 meals a day. Though PMS-related craving is getting serious recently but I never allow myself to binge. Just endure till the normal meal time. Way too fat now. Fattest stage of my life. It's that bad. Too bad. Will I ever slim down again? Don't like to get bigger and bigger size shorts or pants or anything. What is normal? Maybe I should never let myself finish all the food on my plate.

I need fun in my life. Got the urge to shoot some photos after knowing more about my camera today. I want to take up the street photography course too. Hmms. Probably I should go somewhere alone on Sat:D

Some alone time after starbucks just now.

Moodswing ttm:( Wish to talk to people now.

Interesting artwork at Esplanade Mall.

I really went up to the rooftop alone when everyone is with their other half or friends. After a while, I think I look very funny.

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