

Friday, July 15, 2011

The end of childhood?

Caught Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II with love last night.

I can't believe that the only movie that I'm looking forward to every single year is going to end. That marks the end of my childhood? Ah well... I think I can just prolong it by feeling younger and younger. HAHA.

The cinema was very noisy with chatters by all the excited Harry Potter fans but I just want to catch it on the first day. I don't care. This movie is good I'll say. Harry Potter movies never satisfy me more than the books but this one is close... All the fighting scenes are pretty close to what I imagined. I just didn't expect them to actually focus a lil on Severus' love for Lily. That's really sweet and touching:)

Can't believe that it's Friday! 4 more days of work after today and 9 more days to Phu Quoc. Love's last day of work and his 5-6 days of nbs camp thereafter. How I wish I can stop working. Dragging my feet to work every single day.

Sometimes I enjoy spontaneous meet ups with friends but I can't believe that I have no plans from tmr onwards. But I'll make plans... For myself.

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