

Friday, July 15, 2011

People do grow up

Hello people. Just got home and bathed so decided to show my face. I think I haven't had photo of myself for quite some time now. Hehs.

Work today was boring at first but student care always makes my day. I am always learning something new from the kindergarten teachers and the lil kids. Today... Oh well. Richard totally gave us a bad scare. Here is what happened... Richard went to take a nap as usual at around 3pm. We are supposed to wake him up 1 hour later so we did. But no matter how we tried, he just wouldn't wake up. We tried to tickle him and all but he just won't budge. It was so unlike him! He was totally motionless so Jennifer and I got very worried. Norman was sleeping in the same classroom and I remembered Richard told me that he can't sleep with the lights on. I couldn't on the light in this room for fear that I might wake Norman up so Jennifer and I carried Richard to another classroom and he was still motionless. He didn't try to suppress his laughter or anything! It was so unlike him! He seemed as though he was frozen. I tried to make him sit up. So we carried him to the chair. He never ever gave us any trouble for not wanting to wake up before so we thought that maybe he was sick. So Jennifer quickly ran to get the thermometer and I was on the verge of calling his parents. His temperature was normal but he just couldn't wake up. Jennifer decided to call Baygam in. She's a very experienced kindergarten teacher and she totally saved the day. She used a rather unique way of making him stand up and walk to the toilet to wash up. He did moved. I was totally stunned. I asked Baygam after that. She just said that we just have to try all sorts of ways to wake a student up. She has seen these kinda situations before. We really have got a lot to learn.

Our dear Reanne created quite a bit of trouble for herself too. She totally dragged Teacher Sandy's drawers off the table. She got a shock and remained silent for quite a while before playing peek-a-boo with me again. I think she's scared that Sandy will scold her. But the whole class loves her. Haha. All of them were so scared that she'll cry. Richard loves to say that Reanne is chubby. He kept on going"Chubby Chubby. Chubbychubby..." and cuddle Reanne's face(Richard's 7 and Reanne's 4). Norman saw that and came to complain but he can't speak that clearly(he's 3 or 4) and he goes" Teacher Meiwei! Richard kept calling Reanne jabby jabby. You see you see! Jabby Jabby!" Hahahahaha. Jabby! Norman is really too cute!

After work, I brought Yanyan over to George's office. Holding her tiny lil hands and walk her to another office. Oh yaaaaa. She told me that her daddy let her smell his socks. HAHA! George kept saying I look too mature for my age. Now his daughter actually disclosed some secrets about him. LOL!

Oh ya! Kengwah just becomes a daddy! So happy for him! Hopefully he'll be back to work soon. Just before I left. Daddy must still help the mummy with the child first.

After that, I rushed to NCC's Grace Discovery class. Pretty insightful.

Sis is finally back from NUS union camp. I warned her about the SDU thingy. As a very conservative person, I guess she didn't really enjoy it. Even though she was complaining about the camp just now, it did sound interesting. As a very nice sister, I helped her carried her heavy bag back home(I met her on the bus). Haha. I am actually quite excited for my sis as she embarks on her university journey. She's really different from bro and I. No rebellious stage, no nothing, just an ultra bad temper. She don't have many friends, don't have the urge to want to know people or anything and she's not really vocal(That's also why she didn't choose SMU IS but NUS IS.). She's from choir in the past but uh... Maybe there's no link. She has never ever had a boyfriend. Hope she meets her prince charming in NUS soon. So exciting! But I am pretty sure that her first boyfriend will also be her husband. && Since happiness to her is the most important, meaning that she don't put studies nor career as her priority in life, I have this inkling feeling that she'll be the first among us to get married and have kids. Aww... I feel so happy thinking about this:D:D:D I don't mushymushy with her but as we grow up, especially recently, I think we grow to be pretty close again(As long as she don't use her whiny voice on us, we are totally cool with her(: ). This is just what we need.

Increasing amount of 'me' time. I wonder if it's good or bad but roaming along the street on my own and looking at people hanging out together in groups  makes me feel so lonely. I wanna talk nonsense with my friends. How a very sad being I am. Plans for tomorrow is kinda blown too. But for myself. It's free and easy. I shall see how it goes(:

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