

Monday, August 22, 2011

You can't change what has already happened


Need a break from a whole day of mugging in school so I better update this space now^^ Stepped into LKS Lib for the first time for this semester. Hmms. It actually feels good to be prepared for lesson so... Way to go:D

Didn't expect my Profs to reply. Emails of encouragement:D But the reply from OIR is just plain :(
Hmms. I wonder what lies ahead. It don't seem beautiful.

A great weekend spent with love(:
Church, grocery shopping &&cooking:D We decided to have a picnic yesterday but we have to have it at night as he needed to give tuition at 5pm. So I studied at his place while he went for tuition. Picnic at night... Once again(:

We cooked our lunch(rosti, pasta and campbell soup) and dinner(pasta and prepared ingredients to make our wraps). We chanced upon instant made Rosti while we were doing our groceries so we decided to give it a try but... That's really for lazy people. It's not nice at all and the potato shreds don't stick together. Overall our hardwork are not too bad. For our wraps... We realised that we have to put the wrap into the microwave and heat it up first before we can proceed to wrap our ingredients so the first one failed but the subsequent 2 small ones are yummy. We worked pretty well together(: It's not that I don't know how to cook(besides being lousy at cracking an egg), it's just that I don't have the chance to. Hmms. We just have to plan which dishes to cook first. This kinda make me wanna prepare decent food for school and not sandwiches. Haha. Especially for Tuesday and Friday.

Oh anyway, I spoilt his surprise for me again. Don't know when can we ever give each other a proper surprise. Aww...

I miss holding my baby Canon. Ahh. I brought my laptop out yesterday to do a bit of studying so I didn't want to bring my camera out. Hmmhmms. I wonder when can I use it. I miss uploading photos to my blog. I want to look at pretty photos. I want to attend some photographic lessons too. && learn some languages:):) Just hope to settle all the school matters first. Prioritiseprioritise.

Okay. Back to work.

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