

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I think I have to blog. Kind of nervous for IVR tomorrow.

Singapore does look pretty at night. The F1 yesterday kind of reveal Singapore's beauty in the night. Just caught a bit of F1 yesterday. Wanna watch but uh... Felt guilty for not hitting the books so yups:'/

Just got home from dinner with love's frens from France. Everything was great until his friend found out that he misplaced his bag with his passport and Visa. Had quite a scare. Just imagine that you lost your Visa and passport and you got to fly back to France to apply for a new one before flying back to Singapore. That's such a nightmare. We went back to Clarke Quay and helped him look for it but it was too late and everything were closed. Hope nobody took it and it'll still be there tomorrow morning. Hmms.

Here are photos from Ivan's birthday chalet last Thurs. Ah. Didn't set the settings and all properly. Some of the photos turn out so blur:(

Had dinner with besties first. Ah. YK made me crave for XLB. Okay. I am still craving for XLB! >:|

 My mum always think that Ivan looks like Kungfu Panda. HAHA. I showed her the photo the min I reached home!

It's a really outdated post but I sincerely hope Ivan all the best and of course for his operations to go smoothly. Healthier lifestyle for the rest of your life! It was nice to catch up with WQ&YK:DD

Went to ATB@Zouk last Sat with Alvin, his cousin and his cousin's gf. OMG. It's surprisingly good. I thought it will be quite boring at first && totally think that I can just bring my notes there to read:X Okay. It turned out to be real good and now my playlist is flooded with ATB. Yayayaya. I think love did succeed a lil in trying to change my taste in music.

So many other things to blog about but I gonna sleep for now. Must wake up early to dress up in all business formal for the final FT assessment(Other than the formal western dining that is). *YAWNS*

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