

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Woke up with a flu but I was very happy for no particular reason and with lots of things in mind to blog about. Went to the library to mug for Finance. I planned to mug the whole day but end up crying like a ghost in the library. Now my eyes so puffy, nose so blocked that I couldn't study anymore. So here I am back home hiding in the room for the fear that my grandma will notice that I cried.

Not to make a fuss out of tiny issues that are not even raised by me in the first place. I am not a family-oriented person but I grew up in an environment which teaches me the true meaning of love. Not through whispering sweet nothings to each other, not through daily acts of care but through the willingness to sacrifice for the ones you love. Taking care of the ones you love no matter how dirty, how sick, how old or how ugly they are(nearly forgot about it till a friend reminded me).

I make my flu so bad now. Can’t even study properly but I need a breather. Decided to join BFFs for Ivan's birthday celebration later(was planning to give it a miss cos I need to study). Guess I won’t have an early night today.

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