

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Every single moment with you

All my photos are without edits.Love them? Hehs:DD

Starburst lights. My fav now.

Freezing water vs  the smooth one.

All these are photos taken during the practical lessons on Thurs and Fri. I never knew photos can turn out good at night too. I need a good tripod though. Have to check it out real soon. Without a good tripod, I am still a lil crippled for night photography:/ Yesterday I had 2 of the photography lessons in the morning and afternoon. Great time spent at Sentosa. I enjoyed my lessons with the fellow course mates. Photo enthusiast. Hehs. I think there will probably be no short trips during my recess week. Organising some photoshoot will be fun:D I think I know more places to shoot than all of them. At first I was still thinking of planning for myself but I guess I can have company now:D:D

Met love after his bro’s church wedding yesterday. Love’s mood is an all time low recently. So yeps. I’ll just go wherever he wants to go and do whatever he feels like doing. So yesterday he felt like going to Rochester for a meal. He was all dressed up(which was pretty rare) so I did too. Spent hours preparing to go out till I was super late and he has to come up to wait for me. My bro saw him from the window and was like shouting to me and commented that my boyfriend looks so good today. So I pretend to run to the window and said that I wanna look at cute guys toooo. I thought that was pretty funny but he didn’t laugh-.- I took an entire hour to wear the convertible dress cos I can’t decide on which style to wear. LOL. So I ended up with a normal tube dress. It was a double colour convertible dress so I played with the colours instead.

The poor little balloon.

I just had soup cos I was feeling bloated the entire day): && Just look at the ugly tanline. I wasn't wearing strappy bra and so much for that. 


Finally a photo together. Can we take more?
We went to Hatched after that.

Don't know why. Yesterday reminded me of our Valentine's Day date. Thinking back, it's just feels... Amazing. I miss him chasing after me though:X(He commented that he misses that feeling a few weeks ago. Awww. Start over again? HAHA.)

Going on full manual mode and feel confident about it:D I can be love's photographer now*Grins* But it sucks that I am wearing a pretty dress but holding on to a huge camera && I just have this urge to bend down and shoot something in even in a dress:X I can't wait for my coursemates to send me the candid photos that they took of me:D:D Hmms. I am a purist though. I don't like photo editting. I believe that original photos are more meaningful. It's supposed to capture that very moment in your memory. Not something altered. Something... Fake. But I guess in this digital day and age, if you don't how to edit photos properly, it's difficult to get really beautiful photos. Hmms. I'll learn PS in depth soon. But I doubt I'll edit any photos for now.

Bad mood is highly infectious to me. Think love's mood kind of affect me. Not feeling that good these few days. But I am going to break away my cycle of hugging my lovely dark clouds. Just got to focus more on studies now and probably slot in a 2-hour reading time and 2-hour photography session for myself per week. Think ahead. See everything in the long term.

"Sometimes we forget how small we really are. We are like vapor in the wind."

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