

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hang on

Just had Corp's first quiz this morning. 10% && I can confidently say that I have screwed it up badly. It gave me the same feeling as MA. I was having a real bad panic attack on Mon night when I was suddenly tied up with MS homework due on Tues and more corp revision. All those tiny percentages count. At least to me this semester. Hmms. So I started preparing for corp last Thurs but... This still happened. Hope whatever I have return did help to savage the situation. I need to do well. I NEED TO. Will focus more on corp after AIS mid terms next Tues, Finance test this coming Fri and Midterms next sat, followed by MS Midterms next next Thurs. I will do well for the rest. I WILL. Anw, I want a getaway during recess week. Anybody? 

I had a really fulfilling weekend. I still mugged for corp okay?

I had a practical photography lesson on Sat. I discovered more functions of my DSLR which I never did. I can confidently just use the manual settings now. Okay. I shall put it as MORE confident. I still need some time to set and all. Still a lil too slow. I enjoyed talking to all my classmates from all walks of life. I am the youngest as expected. Hmms. I really enjoy this course!:D

Just some photos here. Keeping some to myself for now.

A father took this course and he brought his daughter along for the practical session as his model:D:D See! She's helping him carry his camera bag. Haha. So cute.

 Been wanting to do something like this for a long time:
 F is for family:D
 How I love candid shots:D:D
 Our instructor, Jino Lee.

 Fellow classmates:

Mugged at JP while waiting for love.

Accompanied him to his DJ academy. OMG. It's damn cool. Never imagine meiwei to go there rightz? But it's really fun. Haha. Even though I don't know where should I stand, what should I do and how I should react. I think I was like really retarded so I just use my camera to shoot love to make myself feel less awkward but I have really lousy lenses and no external flash. So... Yups. After a while I stop making a fool out of myself while standing awkwardly there and take photos of him so I decided to continue with my AIS project. HAHA. Okay. But DJ-ing is really damn interesting. I wanted to sign up for DJ lessons by Stereometa. SMU's DJ-ing club. Haha. Sort of. But it's sooooo embarrassing. I bet I'll make a fool out of myself so I didn't go in the end. Hmms. I still think female DJ is cool!!! HMMMS.

Here is Nelson and love:D

 Actually, I really wanna touch it badly but I was afraid to make a fool out of myself:X
 Trying my best to take a cool shot of him:

 This is a damn cool fish tank by Nelson. Hope I can see his TV one next:D:D

Mugged till late after his lesson.

Church on Sun morning at NCC with Alvin and his mum. Woke up early to study before leaving hse again. Pastor Prince didn't preach last Sunday:( But I do learn much more from his old sermons. He is still a very good speaker. But I take away much more from the old ones. He digressed lesser and more to the point. Clear message*thumbs up*

After church, Alvin and his mum wenta shop for his formal business attire and I went to somewhere to mug again before meeting them for a late lunch and to Suntec's food fair to get some ideas for love's project. In the end I gave him another idea to work on. So proud of myself. *Beams*

Mugging again...

That pretty much mark my happy weekend. Hmms. Now I do look forward to weekends. Quality time spent with love while focusing on revision too.

I was too busy these few days till I didn't realise that I neglected my family.

Mum was so weird last night asking me what time am I going to be back home when I told her that I have a 7pm lesson on TUES. Mon was totally crazy for me. I studied in school till late and then I rush home at night to finish my MS. Slept at 1.30am. Woke up at 4.30am to contd with MS till 8.30am then I took a 40min nap before waking up and rushing out to mug for corp. It's really that structured. So when I got home last night, I just want to rest early for corp quiz this morning. My aunt actually came into the room to tuck me into my bed, stroked my hair, talk to me for a while(telling me how rarely do they see me these few days and how it pains them to see me so stress over school and blahblahblah while I was half asleep) before switching off the lights and went out. It kind of surprised me actually. Haha. I thought I was studying like this all along since JC days and they were often more focus on other things more than me cos I was considered as the independent one at home. Oh wells. I knew I will miss this as I grow older. I love being treated like a little girl(: Mum isn't good at expressing her feelings.

Hmms. I have never felt inadequate having a single parented family. I lived with my grandparents and my aunt came to visit us very often since young. My younger aunt has taken the role of my father I'll say. As I grow older, I met new friends and some of them asked me if I was teased in primary school being single parented. It never happened and I never really felt that anything is different. My grandparents are in a cold war ever since I was six and my aunt is divorced. Never felt the importance of a really complete family unit until recently. Father, mother and a child. In the past I'll just feel that it's okay not to have a complete family. Like I always say, I want a child whether I got married in future or not(through adoption/IVF if not married). I believe that I can raise a child alone. Maybe only in recent years, I have started to see why a family unit is composed like that. Just some random thoughts.

I just realised that love and I have not taken a proper photo(not webcam/photobooth) together for the longest time. Hmms. Here are two reallyreally old photos of us.

I really want to lie on his shoulder right now! Haha. Randomrandom.

Actually, I have resigned to fate or probably trying to see what God has in plan for me or probably us. I expected love to go on an exchange next semester though he was pretty unsure at first. I don't know how I will feel and how will I spend those time without him. Hmms. Time flies. I guess I'll know real soon. I am never ready for LDR. Probably when you are put in that situation, you'll have no choice but to adapt to it. That's what I always do. It's not whether I like to do it or not or probably can do it or not. Just give it to me and I'll give in my best to complete it. Still trying to be oh so nonchalant about this issue. I'll get to go eventually... *optimism*

Girls are usually the sensitive one but my darling is one different boyfriend. He's so so so observant and all. But he voice out less of his observation after we got together. Still have to be on my toes. HAHA. Just kidding. My mind is not that active when I am around my family and friends. So YEPs.

Hmms. I am often dumbfounded when love ask when is the next time he'll see me. Oh wells. I can see him anytime. He's oftening the deciding factor I guess. He can just give me any date and I'll try to make time for him when there's no school obligations. I can skip random talks and all. Just projects and lessons are compulsory to me now. Guess I'll see him on a lower frequency in the coming weeks.

Back to finance revision NOW.

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