

Saturday, September 10, 2011

What an unlucky day. Anw, have I been lucky before?

I am waiting for Visio to load. So here I am blogging now(:

My alarm clock didn't ring this morning and I woke up at 7.35AM when I was supposed to wake up at 6.30AM to dress up and prepare for FT lesson at 8.30AM. I was so so so shocked when I woke up but luckily I am still not too late. I quickly told my mum to help me call for a cab while I bathe and speed-do my make up. Business formal every Fri and FT prof emphasise a great deal on punctuality.

I caught the cab at around 7.55 am but I only reached school at like 8.20am? The uncle drove the longer route. Grhhh. Wish I knew the roads. Wish I woke up on time. The taxi uncle drove pass like 3-4ERPs? I am going to SOBBBBB. Gahh.

6hours of lessons followed by rushing to collect my namecard, to Delfi for facial, back home to wash up a bit and unload my heavy bag before rushing to my beginner photography lesson at Harbourfront tower. Today is just... Too packed and not my day. Didn't get to have a proper meal till I met love after the course.

Actually, I would like to believe that I am a really unlucky person. When am I ever lucky? My good results isn't a product of luck. It's hard work. && What else? I can't really think of any example but I think I am a really unlucky one.

Today's really really basic so halfway through, I kinda hope it could end on time or earlier. But at least I have got new ideas on what to shoot and how to shoot. Can't wait for tomorrow's practical fieldtrip(:

Young couples these days are probably too caught up with themselves. Too selfish. Marriage is not just about the couple themselves, it concerns all their love ones especially their family. So... Getting married is never easy. Too many people are involved, too many different opinions. I was kinda surprised that couples can really try to put their family out of the picture. It's just weird. In the past I always have the perspective that people who get married in the end often did not choose to be with the person whom they reallyreally love. Too many things are at stake, too many factors to consider and fate loves to make a fool out of people. Maybe my opinion kinda changed now but it remains to be seen.

I was telling love about how Friday don't feel like TGIF to me anymore. Maybe to a lot of my other friends too. But it's fine. I should be fussing over my work, I should be focus on my work, I should always have the large amount of work I should be doing on the back of my head all the time... I should I should. Hate it when I am suddenly lost in my thoughts. Daydream. All about you. I am getting a lil too greedy. I dreamt quite a few times this sem too. When do I ever dream or remember my dreams? Ah.

Oh no. It's 2.30am already.

Don't read too much into things.

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