

Friday, January 27, 2012

Today's just like any other Friday. Tedious tax lesson but it forces us to listen so I actually enjoy all tax lessons. I was just too tired and I doze off towards the end. That is real bad. Last night was really bad. Hmm.

I met Tinghao after class to register for our class like finally and went home. We could have gone to have our Saybons as usual but I just wasn't in the mood coupled with the fact that he was late for 1/2 an hour too. Just happy to get another thing off my to-do list. I am never good at hiphop cos the way I think is just too rigid. For Chinese dance, ballet and contemporary dance back in school, I just have to follow the choreography. This is also why I couldn't blend into SAJC dance back then and quit after a year. I miss my sec school dance days even though they may be one of the most painful memories too. I have been wanting to learn hiphop! So house's next. I really couldn't wait. But I bet I'll be the worst student there. I haven't dance for 3 years. That's too long. Gen and I chickened out of Emix's audition in Year 1 Sem 1. Haha.

Snapped this on the 25th of Jan
That was probably the first time I see love so energetic and eager to talk to me. He is always tired, he is always rushing for time,... I am usually contented with a few minutes of FaceTime even though it's pretty rare now. To be honest, I was really shocked that day. The conversation still didn't last long but it was okay. It just feels different.

All I want is somebody to talk to me, to listen to me and treat me with respect when we are talking. 'Lol' and smiley faces are sarcastic. I don't like an 'Oh I see' replies too. I mean there are really reports on how rude it is to use lol and all these kinda things. I don't know what I am saying but ya... I know I seems like a really difficult girlfriend. Why aren't feeling happy when love goes for exchange? Why am I making him worried about me over there? Why am I blogging about how I feel? Why am I so unhappy? I seems so difficult and childish. People judges. I can completely sense what people feel about me. But I don't broadcast my blog. I am just so straightforward. So frank. && the worst part is that I care about how people look at me. I never intend to attract any attention over here. I never intend to blog for an audience. Love doesn't like me to blog about stuff that I didn't mention to him before so I will always talk it out with him. Probably 'talk' but not to the 'it out extent'. It's supposed to be both ways y'know? I can always shut this blog down and blog privately. I need an outlet and blogging has been one for me since secondary school. My brother thinks it's old fashion but it's a habit. I never really stop. The only time I stopped completely is probably during JC times when I focus solely on studies. All I want to say is... I don't exaggerate things.

I probably have a lil bit more time to myself that I actually have time to watch videos/movies/variety shows. Friday is a lil sad for me cos I'll just head home straight. I am tired. I need a break. I am on the verge of falling sick and with a lil low blood pressure recently isn't helping. But I don't exactly go out anymore. Fris/weekends are usually for the boyfriend. Nowadays I'll just go home, head to the room, close the door, plug in earpiece and surf the internet or watch some shows on my laptop on Fri. I don't like my family to ask why am I even at home. I go home too early everyday this year. Studies is still my priority.

I was watching The Back-Up Plan just now. It reminds me a lot of how I picture my future to be when I just completed my A levels. I told my mum that I probably won't get married with all my career goals and ambitious self but I still want to have kids. So I'll just to to a sperm bank and get inseminated or something cos giving birth is definitely 1 experience that women won't want to miss. At least to me. Haha. I love that movie. It got me thinking a lot. If I don't get married, that will be something I'll really do in the future.

Looking at all our photos and feels that everythings seems so far away, so distant... 
I am just glad that we are working things out.

I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love

I so want to watch this on Valentine's Day and cry all I want watching movie alone but end up it's only going to be release on 12 April in Singapore:( For now I'll just keep replaying this over and over again...

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