Updates on my weekend.

The service was really really bad. But I was glad to see my classmates and my favourite teachers again even though I wasn't close to any of my JC classmates. It's always a nice feeling to gather once in a while. I only got closer to Huihui when we entered SMU...
2) Spent the weekend at the boyfriend's house with the boyfriend's parents. I did my research and revision, 8.30am church on Sunday followed by Dance Dance Dragon, a good lunch and 1 hour of Crimewatch after dinner with Alvin's parents. Life's good. They are really like my pseudo boyfriend. Haha.
Mousey all out of breath cos I stuff him into my bag and brought him over to the boyfriend's house to meet his fellow stuff toy friends.
Mousey in my comfy A&F cardigan
Been dressing down these 2 days cos I wasn't feeling well and I ended up meeting random friends everywhere(in school and outside school). That's so embarrassing. Many just brushed it off as I am too stressed out over school. Haha. Seriously no mood to dress up when I am feeling so drowsy all the time. Just had dinner with the BFFs at Old Airport Road. Haha. Everything seems so delicious there. Irresistible even with my cough and throat infection. Yums. It's nice to catch up with them and laugh so much even though I ended up coughing really badly when I got home.
Hmms. The boyfriend is trying to make me feel better with random promises and more frequent chats. That is really nice of him. I just felt bad for rejecting all his good intentions to wanna 'spend' the Valentine's day with me through FaceTime. I wasn't planning to celebrate that at all since he is so far away. I don't know what's the plan now. See how it goes.
Needa crash and continue with the script tomorrow morning! So excited for tomorrow evening!
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