

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Busybusy week ahead

Hello people!

Back for some blogging love before I begin on my assignments. Just had a super full dinner. Anyway, I still couldn't resist the princessy Lovebonito Wedding Collection's dresses and carted out two. Oh no. I don't usually go out in any outfits that are too demure lately. I don't want to look like a weakling or some dependent girls so I'll always pair sweet lil dresses/skirts with biker vest, studded vest, denim jackets and stuff to 'harden' the look something like this but without so much studs:

Haha. I am crazy. But I guess appearing like a strong lady is better in any case (maybe I should do away with emo tweets but that means I have to set up a private space to rant and sobs???). I guess it makes guys in university treat you with more respect and won't think that you are a bimbo when you are all dressed up? BUT. Girls still need princess-y dresses. So... ahem. That explains the purchase.

Hearing how my groupmates are going France for exchange just makes me green with envy. Sighs. Hope Huihui and I could get somewhere nice like London(*winkwinks*), France or Germany. I want somewhere where I can travel cheap and... visit London as much as possible. I misssssss London so damn much. Gen is planning to go San Francisco so... I guess I won't be joining her. USA is never on my list. I still prefer arty farty places. Scenic, slow and romantic. Aww. Even though A&F will be crazily cheap in US but I can still crazy shop Zara, Stradivarius, Bershka and Massimo in Europe like crazy. Can't wait for the application to open on Dec. I totally forgot about Tomorrowland. Really hope to go for it when I am still young. Haha. Crazy partying and good music. Really envy couples who can go on exchange together. But I guess going on an exchange in Y4S1 will be a good time to getaway from the boyfriend for a while. A lil distance is always good.

Something I found on Tumblr

Okay. Enough of randomness! Time to do work. Can't wait for F1 with the boyfriend this weekend! Vroom~

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