

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday all! ~

This week has started to peak up for me with the AFA group facilitation. I feel really blessed with pretty good groupmates in general. I am not familiar with AFA before the project. So it was really difficult for me. But with my groupmates' guidance and connections we finally got it done. The presentation was lacking some FRS-es but overall I felt quite okay for it :) ATP's mid terms is next Monday and I am still pretty clueless about it. Mugging shall start after this post. Hehs.

Oh! Sunday we went to help out with Brendan & Tiffany's "guo da li".

It was quite an experience for me. All his aunties were so happy for him. Glad to be part of it. I have never seen a "guo da li" before as I am considered as the eldest grandchild over at my mum's mum side and I have never seen my father's side of the family since 6 years old. Can't wait for their wedding!

Had the AFA group facilitation on Wed and Huihui and I planned to have the Han Kee fish soup after that but it was raining :( Ended up having Manhattan Fish Market which is a far cry from fish soup:/ But it's okay. Haven't had it for a longggg time. Just that the day can be made better with the fish soup that I have been dying to try. Starting to feel fat from not exercising and all the food. Haven't weigh myself after landing in the underweight BMI zone. I need to exercise soon!

Hmm. Been slacking off from Shenna Shannon's shoots and updates. We are still waiting for the 2 awesome manufactured tops to arrive and to clear some other stocks in the meantime. So... like us on Facebook to get our latest updates :)

Ending off with an unglam photo of the boyfriend.

P.S. Can't wait for The Script tonight! ^^V
P.S.S. I have got a new account since Formspring is shutting down. Ask me anything from the sidebar or click here!

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