

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 10 Without Love

1 more week and love will be back!:D

Watched a lot of babies videos on youtube after Keryn finished her work. She finds every baby cute. Haha! Didn't know her mum's company print tshirts and souvenirs and SMU is her client. Her parents were like asking if I can work on a long term basis again. I really enjoy her company and her parents are very nice people but I need to study. Her mum gave me her namecard. I think I'll give Keryn my number next month or something. Not now. Hahaha. I have a feeling that she'll prank call me.

Junyi were showing me the map of China and pointing to me where love is now. She told me that she loves to read the map. She's just 2 years older than me and she already finished uni and is working at somewhere so far away from home. It's not  a good environment to start, I shall say. She's too young. I can totally sense how much she misses home and she never fails to write come through email every now and then. I doubt I'll feel so attached to home if I really get to work overseas in future. Maybe it depends on where you are working too.

OMGOMGOMG. 7 more days. Needa speed up on my progress too.

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