

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Above and Beyond @Zouk on Tues.
No joke. That's a photo taken by Above and Beyond from their DJ deck. I was closed to hurling vulgarities at people but I stopped at plain staring. Mad giving my irritated stares to everyone who pushed me or knocked me.

Photos from BB:

 Photos from Katrina's P300
 Katrina, Me, Boyfriend&Etienne.

ATB is much better I'll say. I nearly fell asleep during A&B on Tues. The queue was mad long and the crowd is crazy. Surrounded by... Not my fav people on the dancefloor. &&Coupled with cramps. The night wasn't as enjoyable as expected. We left before everything ended. Love and I missed Laidback Luke last Sat. We rushed to Zouk after One Day(which is real boring. Felt so bad to make love watch it with me. Haish.) but the queue was too long so we couldn't get in. So sad. So we went home to watch Paranormal Activity 2 to make up for it but err... It was just things moving on their own and weird shadows floating around and love's too slow and didn't catch the floating objects. So we gave up watching that too. The baby boy is v cute. That's all. Haish. I want my Laidback Luke.

Had bad PMS for the past 2 weeks. 2 WHOLE WEEKS. Feeling bloated, pimple breakoutX2(once before the predicted date and once before the official day cos it was delayed), plus massive mood swings(feeling impatient, frustrated, angst and just get upset very easily). I was a total nightmare for the past few days and the boyfriend is probably suffering with me too. LOL. I always try to calm myself before talking to him but he kept asking me if I am okay and WHAT'S WRONG. There's really nothing wrong. PMS is real bad ever since my health is back to normal and I really hate myself during PMS period every time. PRE-MS. Every month. Grh.

Projectsprojects. I am so glad that it'll be all over by next Tues. I wanted to start my revision this Monday but I didn't cos I am quite consistent with my work this semester. Just revised some lesson slides for the past few weeks. Gonna start real soon tomorrow/this weekend. First paper on the 21st of Nov and last paper on the 29th. Yippees. Can't wait for the break. Still constantly brushing off random upsetting thoughts but I'll leave by and I need the break though I wish time could really slow down. Slowww down.

A friend just talked to me about how his SMU female friend kept arguing with her NTU boyfriend cos both of them seems to be hiding things from each other, so busy with school, so far apart,... & he asked if I have any problem with boyfriend. It's quite funny. Actually it's quite true that I won't know what is my bf up to in school when both of us are in different schools that are so far apart. But of cos we try to spend time with each other. I always give the politically correct answer, "Oh. Hmms. When it comes to our age... When both of us are so caught up with school work, I guess we just have to be understanding towards each other. It's uni life, both of them should have known better..." &Blahblahblah. Just don't think too much and carry on with life. Guess I stopped trying to make my life miserable by doing that long time ago. Boyfriend will try to spend time with me&I'll always make time for him no matter what despite the distance. Boyfriend just have to tell me that he can meet me then I'll be very happy. Really. No expectations is always good. I never probe into his business in school and of cos he never does that. I guess that's call trust and giving space to each other though I am pretty much that kinda girl who would love to have a possessive boyfriend??(Just to clarify this... I never had a possessive boyfriend though.). If you got to keep thinking about what your boyfriend is up to in his school, kept getting worried about your boyfriend will be snatched away/seduced by other girls, that just means that you don't trust him. Relationships won't work that way. If the guy cheats on you, it shows that he isn't really true about you. What's the point. So guys, before you all wanna cheat on your gf, just break up with her and stop wasting her time. It's better than LIES. Hundred times better. Haha.

I was reading Magenta's blog with love last night and now he wants a whole list of 100 things why I love him. Okay. I am so not going to do it unless he gives me his list for me first. Such a copymew PLEASE. Maybe I shall start a 22 things that I hate about him for his birthday. HAHA. &&He just told me that he want my rabbitpig when he left for exchange. Truly speaking, that is like part of my collection for 'He's beautiful'. Ahh. It's like really taking a part of me with him. Guess I'll be v worriedX2(worried about rabbitpig turning black:( && worried about the boyfriend). Took quite a bit of effort to find my rabbitpig then): But there's really no point uh.. Either way a part of me will be gone when he leaves. My life will be different next year. I am very sure. Everything will change. Everything.

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