

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time. Never enough.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy with school work/mugging/projects when I am not spending time with love. Minimal free time. If you wanna date, you have to finish your work first. & yeah. We have to do that. Either mug before going out at night or go out in the morning and mug at night. Awww. That's a student's life.

Spillovers from recess week:

Holland Village Everything with Fries

Me love waffles. Waffles *swoons*

We met Olivia&Yiyang and randomly went to explore Utown. It's a really great place to mug. Jealous much. Huge tables, open spaces. Why SMU NO HAVE?!

USS with love last Thursday. I know it's kinda lame to go USS for the second time but love haven't visited USS before and I swear it feels really different. Maybe cos we skipped the Treasure Hunter and some other lame kids rides, we have much much more time this time round and we didn't miss a single show. Human ride becomes less thrilling and I totally fell in love with Cylon. Oh my. Vroooooom. Roller coaster~ I need some time to warm up before wanting to try it again and again. I forgot how many times did we sat for the Mummy and Cylon. Love them<3

I was just mentioning to Qi last Wed about couple tees and how I won't want to force love to wear it with me cos guys find wearing couple tees embarrassing(Though I secretly love it though we don't really have the chance to wear.)? && Love mentioned it that night! I am like "WHAT?! Did you talk to WQ?!" Okay. Apparently not. But it's just too much of a coincidence. I bought these red tees from BKK and they are not exactly couple tees; just the male and female cut of the same design. && It's nice don't you agree? One day we shall wear realcoupleteesREALcoupletees(: He suggested that k? Not me. Hehs:)

Straw hats. Totally feels like Vietnam again.

Smurfy smurfy scene. We kept taking videos with the smoke from the drains:X
Battle star Galactica<3
Our castle. Hehs. Love how our teeshirts look like they are linked:DD

My frog prince:DD

Nonsensical photos~
Penguins. How we love PENDA(Panda+penguin).
I love giraffe. Melmen!


I love this photo! I wonder who is inside this costume!
Too serious photo with Charlie Chaplin. Haiyerrr. But I am still glad that we caught him!

Skeletons all around Sentosa for Spooktacular.

SEE. How can he hug that skeleton in front of me? How loving:(

I always think that this is scary. Real scary.

Went for the Lion King Musical last night:DD It's reallyreally good! I really wonder if the kids understand it though. Alvin didn't even realise that the really noisy one is the baboon. The musical is awesome. It brought back lots of memories and I am surprised that I actually remember most of the story. I am really a great fan of Disney movie. Aww.

A random cute lamb at MBS.

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