

Monday, October 17, 2011

He's not thinking of you every moment, but he will give you a part of him.

I am just a typical girl.

Whenever it comes to rushing projects>quizes or tests, I'll feel better... More relax&&I think that's not good. Gonna push myself. Will probably revise AIS after I blog:DD

Really bad skin and hair conditions recently. Probably it's cos I didn't use conditioner and my usual facial foam the past 2-3 days. Sighpie. Nothing much to update about school except that it's week 10 already and full focus on projects & finance quiz on Friday. Need to continue to work hard to totally change the lousy situation I am in. I have no luck. No exam luck, no any luck for anything. It's really true. But in JC, I try to go against that by studying every tiniest detail and ensure that I know everything. I still remember that some teacher mentioned that during exams, 70% depends on our knowledge and 30% depends on luck( Or is it the other way round?). I am never ever lucky so I make sure I get all the contents right. I am going to make things right this semester and booooo to all the mcqs I guess and not a single 1 correct(as usual). May God bless this unlucky girl here.

The train to Marina Bay today broke down. It's the first time that I encountered this and I was damn annoyed cos I was carrying damn a lot of things while in my pretty black dress cos of the SAAT event at night. Grhh. I was so so so irritated. I ended up taking circle line and then purple line to Dhoby. I really hate to waste time like this. The more train service SMRT provides, the higher the frequency of train breakdowns/delay. What's the point? I want back my olddie good red line:(

Hmms. The world is scarily realistic. I don't like what I am doing sometimes but I guess we just got to push on. &&Being realistic probably do you good. It certainly will. You won't get to do what you want all the time. But I do seek some tiny avenues to get away from this sometimes. Real tiny ones.

"We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public."

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