

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Not so much of a Halloween

We planned to celebrate Halloween on Sat night initially and went all over Orchard to find something to wear. I have my mesh hot pink dress and Ferragamo Vintage belt ready for the night. Just shopping for some accessories. But we got too lazy after dinner and decided not to go anywhere. LOL. We bought the rabbit ears to match my pink dress. Anw, the hands on my face in the picture above aren't mine:O

Oh. &&The next day our MOUSEY is in Halloween mood too while we are mugging away.

A really unglam photo of me with all the dark circles in the midst of mugging and he love just love to take unglam shots of me as usual-.-

&& I realised that everytime we go to NCC, we never ever get to see Pastor Prince. It's always Pastor Lian/recorded videos cos he is not in Singapore. Whywhywhy?

Just took this photo an hour ago using my BB camera. How awesome. 5megapixels and and BB torch can do this with better quality than iPhone. I seriously can't stand the BBvs.iPhone war. I love my BB all the same no matter what others say. I don't need that awesome a phone. iPhone is a splurge. I spent $600++ on my BB torch. iPhone cost like 300 bucks more at the time when I wanted to get a smartphone so I rather spend on a BB. &&Love has got a BB then. I wanna bbm with him so I got a BB. Now, he is the one who hated BB so much. I wanted QWERTY keyboard and touchscreen and I guess BB torch provides me with the best of both worlds. What more can I ask for? I don't mind any smartphone as long as I can check my emails, surf the net, tweet,... That's pretty much about it. So stop criticising my BB torch. TYVM.

Tomorrow marks the end of projects for this semester. I had fun doing projects this semester. I can see all my groupmates working hard together. It's really quite an experience. It feels so different this semester and hopefully we can score for all of them. But my best project experience is still BGS with Kenneth. That's really the best. Still haven't found that kinda feeling in any other projects I do ever since. Officially begin my revision last night but I refused to memorise all my financial equations now lest I forget them by next week since I got to memorise everything again 2 weeks later. Shall do practices for the first 4 chapters tomorrow and full stop. Gonna have a long day in school tomorrow too cos of MS lesson at night. I think I skipped too many of that. It's time to compensate for it.

BOSS Window 1 gonna close later at 10am(It's 1+am now). Results out at 2pm. We bidded with more friends for the coming semester and I really hope that we can get most of our modules by tomorrow. Haish. Don't like being stuck with BOSS in the midst of revision. I guess I am a lil too desperate for people to bid with this semester and I really just ask ANYONE to bid Marketing with me. Luckily I found 1 and formed a group even before anything is confirmed. Please let us secure our bids during the first window. *Prays*

Probably because I stop talking to people, stop telling people about my life on social media(Facebook, Google+, twitter,...), just stop everything that I used to do in the past, restrict myself from doing a lot of things, I feel empty when I am left alone. Haha. I used to love sms-ing so much. I used to love chatting with people from everywhere, anywhere. Used to love uploading endless number of photos onto Facebook. Used to love telling the world I am happily attached with whoever. Used to do so many things. I get really excited now to see some familiar good old faces in school or during talks and talk to them,... Haha. I think I am going crazy.

I have this mentality that guys or boyfriends in general don't like to be disturbed, like to have their own space, don't like clingy girlfriends so I never ever initiate to meet the boyfriend unless he asks me first, never text the boyfriend unless he text me first, never call the boyfriend unless he calls me first. I always thought it was normal and as much as I would love to see him or talk to him, I don't want him to find me annoying. I never thought that the boy would feel the same as me. I never thought that the boy will love to see me as much as I wanted to see him. Maybe it's because, like what all my close friends say, those guys in the past are insincere. Not true at all. I became scared after all those bad experiences. I had enough and of course I won't repeat those 'mistakes'. I learnt a lot. Once bitten, twice shy. I always thought those actions were wrong so I learnt not to do that anymore. Hmms. It really feels weird when I realised that... Heys. So the boyfriend loves me as much as I love him...

I am really glad that I have been spending the whole of my weekends with him these 2 months. I don't like it when the word 'Exchange' pops out. No matter in school or from love's mouth. I am being damn annoying by repeating this non stop on my blog but ya... I won't go on with the cliches of "Oh... I can't live without him. How am I gonna live without him?" Nobody can't live without anyone. No matter how much does the heart ache, life goes on. I have been imagining how my life will be for the next 6 months. I know I am not that strong. 6 months is a long time. I never had relationship lasting past 2 months in the past. So the thought of not having him around for 6 months is really scary. I know he is different. Our relationship is different. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I will just feel that the whole world is gonna collapse when I am PMS-ing for the coming 6 months. Just to warn you now. But my workload will be a whole lot more next semester and I'll be leading a whole new life.

Just no one to lean on when I am studying, no one to collect all the eraser dust every time I use the eraser(it's damn annoying), no one who make funny noises when the room is all so quiet cos both of us are doing work, no one to hug, no one who put me before himself,... 

The only thing I hate about spending time with you is that at the end we have to say goodbye...

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