

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

workworkwork agn.
nth much at work bt i wanna get some meiji yoghurt during work but non of them have spoon!-.-
so i got carrot and wolfberries juice instead.
to improve my eyesight=X
i dont wan astigmatism! how to improve tht?
it's so troublesome if i gonna wear colour contacts:/

wore e dress that my bro say makes me look like some snsd member.
i wonder if it's some kinda compliment cos he knws i dont like them!-.-

rushed to meet gen after work.
i rushed out of e office and totally forgot my bag of tb!
end up having to go back to the office when i have alr reached the mrt stn.
it sucks.
&& as blur as usual, i forgot to bring gen's xmas card and my lil gift for her.
i kept reminding myself of the tb last night and totally forgot bout the xmas gift:/

met a stupid ah lian on the train.
i saw an empty seat and i was carrying my big bag of tb so i wanna sit down.
i usually dont sit when im travelling via mrt.
then a stupid ah lian standing in front of the seat is like speaking damn loudly to her friend "i dont wanna sit cos i wanna give the seats to others who needs it most. we should just give up of seats to others. dont be so selfish like some ppl."
-.- the thing is i haven even sat down and they are obviously talking about me.
like wth?
so i didnt sit in the end.

didnt meet my starring mates today cos weijie is having diarrhea and bed ridden. LOL.
shall have our gathering another day then.

gen reached early so i ask her to queue first.
when i reached, im like OMG.
the queue is so frigging long:/
we chat for quite sometime then i mentioned hot tomatoes.
gen dont wanna queue anymore so we walked to ps instead.
hot tomatoes needa queue too.
after staring at saybons for quite some time, we decided to have our dins there.
she had asparagus salad and broccoli soup from saybons and pretzel from auntie anne's.
i just settle for mushroom cheese crepe and mushroom soup.
i still miss souperlicious:/
haven eat there for quite sometime~

after dins, i wenta get yigloo and gen got yami.
kenny came to pick gen and sent me home as well.

school is starting soon~
i haven met chmel yet!>:(
how can school starts so fast?):
my first lesson will be twc with samuel and jasmine!:D
maybe tht's sth to look forward to.
i wonder who will i meet on the first day of sch.
i wonder if i'll make any new frens.
ahh. sch. hmms. sch. haish. sch:/

nbs bash on thurs, countdown party at ian's place on fri. club tmr?
a test of my endurance with the lack of slp=X

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