

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I felt super sucky the entire day.
It's like having some dark clouds following me everywhere and only rain on me kinda sucky feeling.
I hate to walk so slowly.
I just got home and I gonna engage in some self pity before going to bathe and continue with my MA revision.
So.. Here I am ranting now.

Taught 2 students and ended with Jeremiah, who is Angelina's neighbour.
She text me twice so I called her back, she was very surprised that I was just next door and asked me to go over to her house.
Within an hour, we are all in the car on the way to fetch weiqi to go St Game's together.
I wanted to go back to school to mug at first-.-

I dont really like going St Game's though I have only been there once.
But no doubt raving rabbids are just <3
Hmms. I was freaking tired so I got bored after a while.
Didn't get to mug at Angelina's house in the end as she gonna give tuition at Yishun.
Wenta Bishan lib to mug twc a while and went home cos there's no power point at Bishan Coffee Bean-.-

Wake up in the morning feeling super irritated for no reason, edit LTB stuff agn, jogged, mug a lil MA, bathed and rush out.
My hands were full with my laptop and my bag is heavy cos of all the notes.
I was walking so fast in my wedges that I sprained some joints of my left feet(apparently leading from the last 2 toes but I don't know how to describe them properly).
At first I still thought that it's some minor sprain or something and I continue to walk in that 12cm wedges but after much thought, i hopped back home to change into my flats.
Gahh. As usual I just thought that I am fine and continue to make my way to Suntec to mug a while before joining Angelina and Wilfred for church.
Angelina's tuition ended late so she went straight to the auditorium and Wilfred came to fetch me there.
I didnt dare to tell him i sprained my feet and he was walking so fast. Gahh. I tried to catch up and you can just guess how painful it was:/

Didn't really agree with some of the extreme views.
Oh well...
At least i was just dozing off and didnt SLEEP.
Angelina totally fell asleep. LOL.
She managed to squeeze quite a bit of tibits in her lil pouch. I was kinda impressed. HAHA!
But those lil sweet treats didnt managed to keep her awake through the entire session.
She totally fell aslp-.-
She invited me to mug at her house but I went back to school cos my bro want to meet me at plaza sing.
Was always busy when he asked me out recently so it's better to not disappoint him again.
Mugged a lil bit of MA and hop to PS.
Bro is as skinny as ever and can't find anything that fits.
His hairstyle now really sucks ttm.
Oh. He got caught and got a 'new' haircut on the spot in school. LOL.
It's damn ugly.
I am going to continue to complain till he get a new haircut=X
Bro actually complained that my laptop is heavy and want me to carry it myself! Some good bro uh!!

Home and mug MA.

Mum asked me to visit the chinese physician in the morning cos my feet is getting big from the swelling. FAT FEET.
Hop to the clinic myself and it's like my first time seeking TCM treatment for a sprain.
Took a super long time to walk there-.-
Had minor sprains in the past cos of dance but it didnt swell liddat back then so I never go to any doc's before.
It's freaking painful!
No wonder my bro is always super reluctant to go there when he has very bad sprain.

Met Huihui for lunch at souperlicious.
Planned to try Strictly Pancakes but the doc say no eggs, no chicken and no cold drinks?
Scary photo of Huihui.

She camwhored with my camera and kept complaining that I'm acting cos I kept laughing when she tried to take a photo of me=X

Mugged in lib, soe then hitch a ride back home(:

I really hates it when people change, for the better or the worst, it still gives me a funny feeling.
Don't really talk to this friend anymore but all the changes is making him a different person, a total stranger.
I wonder what exactly happened or he thinks that he may be cooler this way but why do people have to change?

Just feel super down today for no reason):
ok. maybe cos I can't walk properly but gahhhhhhhhh. Today sucks!
Packed my own sandwich for school(:
Got down at dhoby station and planned to walk to SIS but met Darren straight after I tapped out.
He said it's raining heavily outside and he wanna take the circle line.
I don't want my bandage to get wet so I tapped back in again. It's so dumb-.-

TWC lesson is boring ttm.
Can't use phone so I just tumb all the way.
Jasmine cooked her own lunch today && today is the first time that I heard somebody's stomach growled that loudly(Jasmine's). LOL.
Samuel sat on her left and luckily he didnt caught that but it's damn funny. Even louder than mine=X
Talked to her a bit during the break.

I guess I am quite easily contented and my life's kinda too simple and un-happening now.
Maybe I should try to join some dance cca again or pick up some new skills?
My daily routine is the same almost everyday.
I eat almost the same thing everyday.
But, guess what? I am not sick of all these.
I guess I am weird.
My auntie was like commenting at how I always tell them how nice a particular drink/food is and when they bought it for me, I always end up not eating them.
The truth is, I enjoy watching people around me eating my favourite food.
I derive happiness from it. Haha.
OKOK. Enough of my weird-ness.
I promise myself not to eat so much of the cny foodies(:

After TWC, hop to sob for ltb lesson and it was still raining and I had to walk from concourse which is the longer route-.-
All the ltb presentations went well today(:
So we can pretty much just improve on what we have now.
Things are going great. Did I mention how awesome my ltbmates are?:D
In general they are cool && super organised. I like(:

Had a mini meeting after ltb and wenta mug at soe.
MA quiz is 10%):

Took a super long time to walk home from Bishan MRT && I was freaking sad+irritated):):):
Since I was walking so slowly, I decided to try to walk normally.

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