

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Today is a crazily long Saturday:O

Alvin and I went for Indancity Concert -Steps

It has been a long time since I last watched a proper dance concert.
Smiling with teeth really makes my face super ROUND.
So yups. I shall not post that. Haha.

The dance performance was not bad.
Meiting was performing too.
Still as good as ever:D
Oh! && I didn't know Lauren was up on stage too. Only met her after the whole performance was over.
I really really love the last item. It was so good!
Maybe it's because all the choreographers and Dan was in it. omg. It's damn good.
I love the Pirouetting Autumn and Oblivious. Awareness.
I totally feel like stretching after watching all the dance items.
Comtemporary dance is so emotional. I like:D
It'll make you feel better if you are feeling the same way as the emotions that the dance is trying to convey.
The dance performance makes me feel like dancing again even more.
After much thought, I just feel like taking classes outside school.
I think I can't take the stress of being one of the lousiest dancers again.
The days in SA dance didnt go quite well.
I miss Chmel.
She couldn't make it on both days.
I really hope to see her soon.
I am really a lousy friend. Hmms.

After the concert, we waited for a long time for Alvin's friend who was 1 of the choreographers && chitchat a lil.
We went to Swirl Art after that:D

yoghurt<3 hehes.
It's a really a cosy and perfect place to hangout with friends.
Even though it has the same concept as Sogurt and Glacious, there's much more space over at Swirl Art to just chill with friends. Nice!
Totally enjoyed the night:D

I only get to slp or probably nap for 3 hours and tada... Gonna wake up for MA.
I went to the wrong SR and called Huihui for help.
But Sarah was walking in front of me so I was half following her and half calling Huihui. Haha.
Sarah is super blur.
She didn't know we are in the same MA class.
Erms. This is like our 5th lesson together.
I spotted her from the very first day.
Huihui commented that I looked very shag the moment I sat down beside her. LOL.
I totally skipped applying makeup today.
I just tie my hair to school.
I only tie up my hair to school during camps and project presentations so I felt kinda weird.
Nerdy day ftw:D

I was totally lost in MA class.
I don't know how to use excel.
Hmms. Shall figure it out on my own.
I didn't really doze off.
Tracy was super sleepy too cos of samba rehearsal.
Oh... && I am super thankful to her for saving my day. Hehe.
It's totally unexpected.

Huihui and I just took our time to walk to SOE today.
Actually 15 mins is more than enough to move from SOA to SOE:D
Alvin came to meet his friend at SOE too so wenta say hi.
Ok. I think it's like the first time he sees me without make up. Haha.
Nerdy max.

CT lesson was quite chill today.
Nothing much.
But the way Prof describe Picasso and make referring to young ladies as sweet lil things kinda freaked me out.
Like seriously, what's with all these?O.O
I like the presentation done by Huihui's group though.
Super entertained by all the shoutings=X

At first, Huihui and I planned to try Strictly Pancakes today (since I don't care about the fact that I can't eat chicken and eggs until all the swelling subsided) but it was RAINING):
I can walk normally now but don't know why is it still swelling-.-
We had Subway and had a super long chat.
I was super troubled by some stuff and I asked her about her impression of me.
She is freaking honest.
As in, I asked her what will her impression of me be if she don't know me.
Girls who club give people a very bad impression and people may assume things.
Heard too many things alr.
I don't really club that much or that crazy but I don't like what I hear and I don't like to leave a bad impression in some ppl.
I really pondered for a bit after the chat with her.
Talk things out a bit.
Things are better now btw:D
I am serious and I am scared.

Olivia came for blaw in the end.
7pm blaw on a Saturday. How great is that?
I totally have no mood for that but I kept trying to tell myself that today is Friday.
&& I think it makes me feel better today. Hehe.
I am very proud of myself.
I was totally awake for all my 3 lessons.
Maybe I was dozing off a little when he was doing the excel spreadsheet but today is one of the rare days that I managed to stay awake for almost the entire lesson. I didnt doze during CT and Blaw at all:D:D:D:D

Blaw mid terms is on the 17 of feb.
I think I am totally not prepared for it):
I need to study harder.
I am really glad to have the CNY holidays for me to get working on the idea journal and to revise Blaw and MA:D

Shall end off here:D

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