

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Woke up early as usual.
I wonder if I can ever sleep in):
I went to Popular to get some assessment books for Jeremiah and braved the heavy storm to give him tuition.
After tuition, met Angelina && Wilfred at her house for church.

Church was okay that day but I was far too tired.
I guessed I haven't recover from the 3 hours of sleep. LOL.
Angelina can really Zzz but heys! I tried to stay awake. Haha.

Accompanied Angelina to carrefour to stock up for her long Monday after church but the queue was super crazy so we gave up queueing.
I wanted to try Old Town White Coffee because I didn't have lunch but Angelina was going to Wilfred's place for dinner so I went back to smu and grab some food from Mr Bean instead(:

Met Alvin to mug at some gsr since he was there with his friends.
Something embarrassing...
Only those ppl who studied with me in an ultra quiet gsr will know this.
OK. Maybe only Huihui knows about this.
My stomach will growl even when it's not hungry and it'll growl non-stop.
I don't know why but yeah it will just growl. So, dont laugh! LAST WARNING=X

Mugged, dins, home:D

Met Gen for our weekly gym date.
We were very proud of ourselves as we actually insisted on going back to school for gym despite the heavy rain:D
Gen hurt her calf muscle so she couldnt jog:/
I was really planning to jog till i drop and I really ran a lot and got super tired after that):
I kept dozing off when we were mugging in the lib after gym.
Oh well...

Gave tuition, went home to drop my stuff and wenta J8 to help my lovely friends(Ian, Gen and Kenny) get tickets for the Green Hornet.

They were all stuck in the jam but luckily they made it just in time for the movie:D
I don't think the movie is as nice as what everybody says but still alright uh. LOL.
I think the way Jay Chou speaks english is super funny so tht's entertaining enough for me=X
I didnt know Zhoutaitai dont like her Zhouxiansheng anymore! tsk! Now her BUNNY>JAYCHOU.
Huihui, dont ask people what's your name! No more Zhoutaitai!

Ian looks too mature in his new hairstyle! Grow your fringe back! Haha.
Thanks for the ride home anyway:D

Home-d, ltb, blaw, sleep:D

Mug blaw in the morning.
Went back to school for TWC.
Jasmine skipped that lesson!
Gahhh. Nobody to talk to and fancy kept having packets of M&Ms hitting my head):
I seriously don't like TWC.
I dont see the point of learning about sailing ships, steam ships or history of mankind.
I dont even think that I have learnt anything important at all so far and it's week 5 alr):
Can anybody tell me what's the whole point of this module?
Spent my break time printing all the stuff for blaw.
I did pay more attention during today's class as compared to the previous few but I still don't know how am I going to sit for TWC exams):

Got the tickets for ABL semi finals from David before and after TWC class.
He couldnt make it tonight and was trying to give it out.
Bro will surely wanna watch and as a super nice sister, I'll watch it with him(with much reluctance=X)
2 before class and 1 after.
Actually, I only end up using 2 (Bro and me)-.-

Had LTB meeting in some SR with the people from the organisation that we are working with.
They like our ideas and everything so I guess it's almost set to go:D

Mugged a bit and met bro for the match.

Singapore Slingers Vs. Thailand Slammers.
I don't really understand what was going on, I was just waiting to see some stunts like slamdunk or whatever.

 my bro gonna kill me for this. hehe.

 The last quarter was exciting.
Many players slamdunk so it's not too boring after all:D
&& Slingers won in the end:D

Acting like some stupid fans and took a photo with the guy who slamdunk-ed twice. Hehe.

Asked my bro to help me take some stupid shots but he was bad with my camera-.-

 idiot is me!=X

Home-d, blaw, ...

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