

Monday, April 25, 2011


Random day out with mummy and sis.
I haven't been to Bugis Street and Haji Lane for quite some time and I want gooooo there to find my BB casing!(I still can't find any for BB torch. I want the bunny casing but none for BB torch. WHY?!): )

My mum say I look like a frog and kept making the frog sound so I ask her to try one too. So cuteeeeee:D:D
Mum and sis:D:D

Okay. My sis was complaining of being tired when we were still at Bugis street and my mum refused to climb up the stairs to those stores along Haji Lane-.-
At least I got myself a pair of heels for work.
Need to get some office skirts and pants by the end of this week too!
Tell me why did I grow so fat that I can't fit into my old ones anymore?
I'll be going back to Just again. 4-day work week. Should still be able to rest. Teehee.
I have been downloading apps into my iPod to prep for my long journey to work from next Monday onwards.
Oh, I need a nice playlist too! I am just gonna spam music as I work if I am not teaching or helping out with the enrichment.
I miss helping out with the enrichments though! It beats sitting in front of the computer the entire day~
I rather run around with the lil kids or scream at them to behave themselves.
I miss talking to Asher during enrichment.
I miss Patti && Zishan. I wonder where will I sit this time round. Hmms.
Zishan say I might have to help out with after school care services as well. Is that like consultations?
I bet Just must have changed a lot again during these 4 months after I left for school. Okay. I think it's not that bad. Starting to feel a wee bit excited. Just don't catch me for my attire again. Pretty please:D

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