

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 5 without love - Friends

Met Wilfred for the 8.30pm service after a great struggle to get out of my bed.
We went to the new location for service at GV marina.
Totally enjoyed today's surmon && the ending was so entertaining cos of Pastor Prince's birthday:D

After that Tinghao came and met me at GV marina for Pirates of the Caribbean but I sat 2 hours plus in the theatre for the service! So I suggest that we catch the later show instead and it's 2.45pm? I really thought we will have a lot to catch up on but we ended up walking around aimlessly and someone got tempted by the kiapkiap machine after I told him about the pink and purple elmo! && Now I have an army of tiny elmos now:D:D
Tinghao totally spent like almost $50 in total-.- Cos the bear in Mickey costume caught our eye. We didn't(or probably he didn't) catch it in the end. We could have gotten everything online and it'll be much cheaper. Hmms.

Pirates of the Caribbean - Mermaid is damn good! Hehs.
But the mermaids are portrayed in a very scary way. Overall enjoyed the movie(Y).

Wenta chinatown to have dessert after that.
I found someone to go O school with too!
Just checked the schedule! I wonder which is a good day but Hiphop 1 is almost full!
Anyway, I am not too sure if I should still go cos he's like so pro and I'll totally be a laughing stock there. Okay. Maybe not for level 1 but still...

Hmms. I always feel kinda stupid when my uni friends or my smarty friends in uni ask me what are my hobbies or my plan for the summer holidays.
I didn't take summer terms so I guess I'll just work the entire summers to fund my trips and a camera?
So... Shouldn't I just do anything I like then?
I just feel a lil stupid to talk about it cos I didn't really plan to learn anything but maybe pick up lil skills here and there? Shouldn't we just take a break?
Just don't want to feel stupid but I am learning to let things go easily and not worry about how people think. Happier:D

Met Huihui at Vivo in the evening!
&& she actually cabbed there cos I reached too early. Oops. && The saddest thing is that my phone died when I got there:(
I love her Switzerland photos!
I reallyreally want to go Europe whether for exchange, graduation trip or whatever. More things on my dream/wishlist. Hehs.
If I can't go in Term 2, I can still apply for another terms. Positivepositive.
I really enjoy all our random and impromptu meet ups(:
Don't enjoy PLANNED chillax session that much. We just want to just sit down and talk.
Or just enjoy each other's company.
I can't help feeling sad about that matter though. Just heard too much from her. I can totally imagine being in her shoes. She looks brave but hmms... Seems to be a pity.
I love talking to her cos besides listening, she'll voice her opinions, clear my doubts && being so honest and direct all the time(though it hurts sometimes).
Still remember how Alvin mentioned about how girls are always thinking about something and guys don't.
The truth is I don't have things on my mind all the time. I don't judge cos I don't like to be judged but I value all the direct comments. If there's anything on your mind, just shoot. I don't like to look at somebody, knowing that he or she has something on his or her mind but didn't voice it out in the end. I'll just let it past and don't bother to probe most of the time. Hmms. It'll be nice if the people around me just share their thoughts with me instead of hiding them though. But recently, I am learning to be more observant and use my brains more when I am around people. Whoo. Weird and astounding findings so far.

Been searching for answers unknowingly recently.
I envy couples around me. Looking at their photos, blogposts, tweets. Always together... So close... Seems happy and blissful in each other's company...(: We don't really get to enjoy that much.
Ah well. It's also because that they are from the same school or for many other reasons.

Looking forward to USS with my friends on Wed:D && Angelina to be back on Tues:D:D

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