

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 4 Without Love -Doomsday?

Love is complaining about my title. BLEAHS. It's going to me my mini countdown timer. Okay. Maybe not counting down but counting up to the day he is coming back.

Alvin said that he is not going going to shave for 17 days. OMG LUHS. I thought he was joking but he seems serious about it. I bet I won't recognise him on 3rd of June if he really does that.
He say if I don't approve then he'll go get a vietnam bride. SO BAD. I didn't even get the chance to say I want to disown him.
Anyway, still very thankful for wifi and twitter! So happy that I actually get to talk to him for a bit for the past few days:D:D

Today is rumoured to be the end of the world. I didn't know until my colleagues told me yesterday. Haha.
I think 12.12.12 is more likely:X
How sad will it be if today is the end of the world...
I have yet to graduate from SMU.
I have yet to get a good job.
I have yet to earn enough to get Leica cameras(I want the polariod camera in the photo too! I really want that!)
I have yet to travel on my own.
I have yet to get married and have kids.
I have yet to try a lot of things.
&& Alvin is so far away.

After tuition, I went home and totally roll on the bed for 1 hour cos I was sooooo tired and was scrapbooking like mad for hours before going out to stock up lil toys for scrapbooking. Can't disclosed anything yet. Hehs.
So glad that Huihui is back:D:D
I have been so deprived of blogs to read. Everyone is away. Angelina, Jasmine,...
Ah. I have no blogs to read for the past one week!:(
Tomorrow I am going to have a romantic date with Huihui:)

These few nights I have been distracted by people's photos on facebook.
I looked at Alvin's photos from the start till the last one, looked at mine(&& untagged many:X), looked at random people's. Suddenly feel like doing that but always end forgetting the time and sleep at 1++am. That's why I am so tired these few days. Gah. Dumb ttm.
I am not tired now. Too much cutting, pasting and drawing. Brain drained that's all. Need to make myself feel tired now!

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