

Saturday, January 15, 2011


wenta jog in the morning.
wenta school with a sore body:/ im so lousy
ltb meeting was alright, we have roughly thought of what to do && got the organisation && everything.
this is a good start and i have a good feeling bout this:D
indra say i seems to be very health conscious. LOL.

after ltb meeting, wenta mug at some gsr agn.
wenta get frolick before giving tuition.
i dropped my laptop there but luckily it is in my lovely crumpler case:D
ok. it looks fine:D

tuition didnt went well. oh well...
mugged at coffee bean then home sweet home.
ian called suddenly to ask me to catch love & other drugs together cos i said i wanna watch too.

i was damn shag and i really look super awful bt i still walk back to j8. gah.
got the 2nd row tix.
the movie is sooooo obscene:/

feel so cheated cos i heard many good reviews about it.
it's like porn-.-

didnt jogged this morning.
read ltb in the morn, charged my phone and camera, prep to go out, blahblahblah.
felt very excited in the morning. hehe.

met gen in the lib.
sneaked my subway wrap into the lib.
clive came up to talk to me but i was eating and reading.
uhhhh. i think i looked super unfriendly:/
gen gonna catch love & other drugs with kenny.
hmms. she alr booked the tix. oh well, i warned her anw=X

rushed to ltb lesson.
nth much today.
i didnt bring laptop to class today && i think i was quite attentive.
prof luthra's other classes seems to be more active in class participation.
when she called my name, i just gave lousy answers):
i really gonna work on this):

after class alvin came to sob to find me.
wenta have red mango:D
he haven tried that before but i think red mango is one of the best:D

walked around suntec then wenta MBS for Art Stage Singapore, the art world’s new destination.

was a lil awkward at first but i think we talked a lot today. haha.
was kinda fascinated by one of the art piece that make use of lights to create images which u cant really figure out what it is at first glance.
we were wondering why are people waving their iphone at the lights then i tried with my camera.
oh. there's really something. haha.
okok. i sound dumb but that's so special(:

had a great time there:D

had dinner at Salad Stop.
at least we cut the sinfulness to the minimum. haha.
someone is dieting uhhh.

just loiter around somemore and went hommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee.

i think i look weird today. or do i sound weird? i must be damn boring. gahhhhhh.
i think i talk a lil too much today.
im like a happy kid only:D

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