

Sunday, January 16, 2011

met ziting<3 for a short breakfast:D
omg. she still looks shag.
next time dont drink so much k?
walked ard j8.
bought my printer ink( erms. i still cant print, cos i bought the wrong one): )

after that ziting wenta zx's hse && i wenta suntec to meet angelina<3
haha. started my day filled with love:D:D hehe.
angelina got lost at somewhere in suntec and she cant find starbucks. haha.
read a lil before she reached but erms... when she reached, i cant help bt talk to her. hehe.
didnt really study much, just memorised a few equations=X
angelina wore heels.
it's kinda rare. why she didnt wear it out when we meet? as in as a group?
im a lil weird.
if i see my frens wear heels/wedges and i didnt, i feel a lil :/
haven been clubbing for a long time.
my pretty wedges are rotting. LOL.
shall wear them out when i meet my girls someday. like sommmmmmmmmeeeeeday.

wenta new creation church with angelina and wilfred.
it has been a long time since i wenta church.
e last time i went was in sec 4.
it's a new experience though.
i only wenta catholic church with angelina in the past.
should be joining them agn next week:D

oh. && i realised something.
all my gfs tell their bf what i told them.
ahhh. it's soooo weird.
should i stop camwhoring?
angelina just mentioned something bout wilfred saying tht i loves taking photos of myself. like ooops. LOL.
ahhhhhhh. awkward max.

after church, train-ed back to sch to mug.
i cant find a single empty gsr, even the secret corner at level 4 is occupied so i mugged at level 2's.
then an irritating sms came.

OKOK. tht didnt hurt my mood too much. meeting with my friends nv fails to make my day better.
screamed a lil too much on the phone while telling huihui what hpn cos im like so angry. LOL.
chat for a bit then mugged a lil bit more before leaving school and i met alvin at the corridor.
OMG. unglamness max.
i cant really see without spects/contact lenses... so erms. nvm?? LOL.
he came to smu to find his friends and yeah.

wenta ps shopshop a lil then home-d.
i love to shop at m)phosis cos i love grey, black and white clothes.
didnt bought any clothes today.
just got myself a bag. wahahahahahaha.
i NEED a new bag. yupyups.

i realised all my friends read my blog in silence. hello??
click (more...) beside running wild/ above.
all my links, formspring and tagboard are above. haha.
<3 angelina. she always tag=X
ok. i dont read in silence. hmms. maybe sometimes for huihui's blog but i always tag or formspring ppl k?=X

*hops hops around* teehee.

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