

Thursday, January 13, 2011


jogged in the morn.
was too bored reading MA and kept falling aslp so wenta jog:D:D
lost track of time, rushed home, bathed, packed, and vrooooooom ran out of the house.
broke my nail while trying to get my FA file for gen):

was nearly late for glassroom!
i realised that walking from dhoby to SIS is nearer.
i reached on the dot and didnt knw what to do.
im super clueless with the cashier though i always thought that it's e most interesting thing.
when im young, i love playing cashiering games.
like pretend u are a cashier, scan the barcode, collect payment,... dididididididi.
i knw it's not a game now.
i look dumb in my spects and w/o makeup.
liangzhi was there when i was panicking with all the buttons and so many customers.
so embarrassing!
did e drinks for a while.
nth much.
just tiring && awkward):

after glassroom, rush to meet gen for gym.
told her some stuff that makes her super excited. LOL.
she kept calling szehan.
stucked in the gym toilet listening to szehan on the loud speaker. wahahahaha.
so happy for her:D:D:D:D
gen wanna run so ran agn with her, blahblahblah.
love girly time alone with gf.
she left early cos she didnt bring her FA tb, cant study so she went off early.
she gonna fetch kenny too.

mugged in the lib and home-d.
slpt super early.

tried to wake up at 6am but end up waking at 6.20am-.-
read more of MA and prepared to go to sch agn.
i freaking forgot all about my whiteboard marker fot ct but huihui say she'll share with me:D
jasmine wanted to help me get but her lesson ended too late.
many thanks to her too:D

i tried listening to MA today.
prof seriously has too many stories to tell.
a lil more of math today and i was so lost):
gonna start practising for this.
prof released us earlier so we had all e time in the world to stroll to SOE for ct. LOL.

ct was alright today.
the quiz done by the first grp is brilliant.
spoil market!
i wonder what we can do next.

rushed to glassroom to work agn.
met some new ppl.
still feel awkward but huihui came.
this time slot is supposed to be our get tgt time for lunch or whatever.
we only meet on thurs now!>:(
told yangyan i cant worked for that slot.
4.5hr of lesson follow by 2 hrs of glassroom?
i think i need a break.
i worked today though.
wash lots of plates.
made some mistakes with cashiering agn.
i think im not cut out for this.
having second thoughts.
hmms. shall see how.
oh. anw, glassroom is gonna sell yoghurt - yogurt(started by smu graduates).
cant wait=X

wenta soe to read up for blaw straight after glassroom.
so feel like napping a lil but i didnt.
forgot to reply olivia after she txt me when i was working.
bt saw her at soe so we wenta blaw tgt:D
glad to have some accompany:D

olivia told me sth bout what her prof said and i think it's damn funny.
her prof said tht when she sees student smiling at their computer screens, she knws that they are IM-ing. LOL.
so smart.
i smile to my fone too. how?=X

i really paid attention to 3/4 of the class.
only started to get listless during the last 15 mins.
i like her style of teaching even though she is just an adjunct lecturer.
she is sooo different.
shall work harder for bizlaw too:D

was talking to huihui on msn just now.
omg. i think her blogpost is damn true=X
ok. im in e A category.
go read go read.

boooohooo. i didnt go for bondue bash.
should be there to support joshua with my bonduemates.
bt im too tired && e clubbing feel is lackinggggggg.
all the best to joshua!:D

satsatsat. i want my yoghurt!:D

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