

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

day out with BFF

wenta jog early in the morn once again.
i wonder where did i get all those motivation. haha.
ok. im happier today cos i ran like 8 runs though im superrrrrrrr slow(:

wenta twc late cos i was trying to pack raw eggs for ltb-.-(it just broke btw. luckily there's only 1 egg left and it is in a container. just threw it away at citylink && i only found out when im digging out my cam to camwhore with BFFs=X)
twc prof just contd to smile throughout the lesson once agn.
&& his 'eat yourself' is kinda entertaining=X
ppl, you know what? the twc tb is actually available in video form!
samuel didnt read it but watched it on youtube. like -.-!!!
he didnt share!
ok. now i knw, i gonna watch it from now on. haha.
samuel think's tht my contact lenses are damn scary. nobody except bro think so. gah. is it really scary? i think it's kinda comfy lehs.
jasmine brought her own fried rice for lunch agn.
i wish i can cook like her~

after that rush to ltb alone.
i was 1 of the first. i should seriously take my time.
what we learn in ltb doesnt seems to help much in our main project?
i wish we can have more time in class for our project:/
my grpmates are alright.
in comparison, i dont seem to be as motivated as some of them?
i'll try my best to contribute as many ideas as possible!
jocelyn is so bubbly and all.
really gives me a xiting feeling. erm. maybe just leaving out the laughing loudly part. xiting laughs very loudly!=X
had a lil project meeting after ltb class.

met xiting, angelina and ian for dinner.
we were famished so we wenta eat first.
ian failed his 2.4 run by 4 sec!
sad much?
gah. just work harder next time! dont give up!(:
tried soup spoon today.
their portion is too big i think but nice:D

haven got to talk to angelina much so today i really had a good time catching up with them:D
i love to listen to people talking about what they dreamt of!
it's seriously damn funny.
angelina's are seriously hilarious!
i wonder when can i ever have such vivid dreams.
do i dream?
i think everyone does but i always dont rmb mine):

ian left early and we girls wenta walk ard && chat<3<3<3
it's a pity that qi cant join us!:/
nevertheless, it's ultimate happiness for me tonight.
shall prep some study materials before turning in. it's 1.29am now btw.
will mug everyth for thurs ltr!

omg. i gonna start work at glassroom tmr!
i need more black tops=X
i have a black tank top.
i dont have many black tops but lots of new black dresses.
oh well.
dont think it's a good idea to wear a dress tmr.
shall wear my black tank top and shop for more black tops next time.
excited for work and meeting gen for gym tmr!
oh ya.
still gonna pass her my FA file && i needa ask her for some bizlaw materials:D

:D:D:D:D EEEEEEEEEEE. ok. i cant smile without my teeth.

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